DM 78, s. 2016 - Computation of Public School Teachers' Proportional Vacation Pay (PVP) for School Year (SY) 2015-2016 Information on Proportional Vacation Pay (PVP) (Most Frequently Asked Questions) (by Odylon P. Villanueva 9/26/2013) | |
Teachers, especially who are beginners in the public school system must be oriented not only on how to conduct a good classroom management as they go on daily teaching. They should also be oriented regarding the primary concept in compensation, which includes the basic pay received by an employee pursuant to his employment, including all other fringe benefits accruing to his position. Aside from this is the hiring rate which is the first step in salary grade of a given class. As part of it, they must be informed well such as the Proportional Vacation Pay (PVP) so that they don’t expect too much for the continued payment of their salary once they are included within the payroll system. They may not receive the salary in April and May, or they might be deactivated in payroll from June to July due to earned PVP. The following are the most-frequently asked questions about Proportional Vacation Pay (PVP): 1. What is Proportional Vacation Pay? • Proportional Vacation Pay (PVP) refers to compensation of teaching personnel during Christmas and summer vacation computed in proportion to the number of days they have served during the school year. 2. Who are entitled to Proportional Vacation Pay? • All teachers who rendered one (1) year or more in the service are entitled to full payment of PVP, provided that they have not incurred more than three (3) days of absences without pay from the beginning up to the end of the school year. Three (3) days absent without pay is equivalent to one (1) day deduction in PVP. The reference for computation of PVP is under the DepED Memorandum No. 86, s. 2013, entitled Computation of Public School Teachers’ Proportional Vacation Pay (PVP) for SY 2012-2013. • Newly hired teachers who have rendered at least more than one (1) month in service are entitled to Proportional Vacation Pay (PVP) salary. Even they were hired in the middle of the school year. Their salary was computed based on the affectivity of their appointment, the basis of the reckoning date of summer vacation days they have earned in a school year. • Retired teachers are also entitled to payment of PVP. The same computation is applied. The total days rendered is until the day before the effective date of retirement. 3. What is PVP-Overpayment? • To be entitled to full payment of Proportional Vacation Pay, teachers should have rendered continuous services for the School Year. The total number of days for PVP this School Year (SY) 2012-2013 is 84 days, including Christmas vacation (or Seventy Two (72) days, less 12 days Christmas vacation). Hence, if you are entitled only, for example, 64 days PVP, eight (8) days shall be deducted as PVP-Overpayment. • NOTE: Your deductions on PVP-Overpayment are based on the PVP Reports submitted to the Regional Payroll Services Unit (RPSU) which originally came from respective districts. It is usually reflected in payroll during the months of June or July. 4. Why I am still deducted of PVP-Overpayment since I am already deducted of my absences? • Please note to be entitled to full payment of Proportional Vacation Pay, teachers should have rendered CONTINUOUS services during the school year. While you are already deducted of absences or your salaries cut due to leave without pay, you are also deducted of PVP-Overpayment. 5. How to compute the Proportional Vacation Pay? • The Department of Education (DepED) has provided the field offices yearly with a standardized basis for computation of PVP. Please refer to the DepED Memorandum for the uniform basis of computation. 6. Are the services at the Local School Board counted in the computation of Proportional Vacation Pay of the present employer? • Proportional Vacation Pay (PVP) is computed only for permanent teachers in the public school system. The effectivity date of your regular appointment as Teacher-I is the basis for computing your PVP. Your services earned as a teacher in a local school board shall not be counted in the computation of PVP. 7. Can teachers use services rendered during Christmas and summer vacation to offset the over-payment in PVP? • Authorized services rendered by the teachers during the Christmas or summer vacation can be used to offset deductions on PVP-Overpayment or can be converted into service credit to offset future absences due to illness. 8. Up to when the PVP-Overpayment shall be deducted? • If the total deduction can be deducted for a month, then the deduction is only for one month. The termination date is reflected in the payslip. 9. Why do some teachers have a deduction on PVP-Overpayment even without leave of absence during the school year? • For those who had served continuously during the school year but were deducted of PVP-Overpayment, you must inform immediately the field offices in your respective districts/division and they will be the one informing the Division Offices or Regional Payroll Services Unit (RPSU) for the necessary action. 10. A teacher was deactivated in payroll for four (4) months (February to May) due to a leave of absence without pay for two (2) months (February to March). Upon computation of PVP, he/she is still entitled to payment. Who will prepare the payroll for payment of PVP for which he/she is entitled? • The payment can be done through the preparation of supplementary payroll by the Division Office or any of its implementing unit. The Regional Payroll Services Unit (RPSU) prepares only regular payrolls. SOURCE: DEPED NUEVA ECIJA |
DM 78, s. 2016 - Computation of Public School Teachers' Proportional Vacation Pay (PVP) for School Year (SY) 2015-2016
Amendment to DepEd Order No. 23, s. 2016 (School Calendar for School Year 2016-2017)
May 11, 2016
DO 29, s. 2016
Amendment to DepEd Order No. 23, s. 2016 (School Calendar for School Year 2016-2017)
To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau and Service Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools Heads
All Others Concerned
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau and Service Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools Heads
All Others Concerned
- The Department of Education (DepEd) has issued School Calendar for School Year 2016-2017 through DepEd Order (DO) No. 23, s. 2016 entitled School Calendar for School Year (SY) 2016-2017. However, Paragraph 2 shall be amended to read as follows:
The SY 2016-2017 shall begin on Monday, June 13, 2016 and shall end on Friday, April 7, 2017. The SY will consist of 202 school days exclusive of the five-day In-Service Training (INSET) break. The different school events and other activities for learners, including the regular and special nonworking holidays, are contained in Enclosure No. 1.
- Paragraph 1 of Enclosure No. 2 entitled Implementing Guidelines of the School Calendar for School Year (SY) 2016-2017 of DO 23, s. 2016 shall also be amended to read as follows:
The school year shall formally open on June 13, 2016, Monday and shall end on April 7, 2017, Friday. The school year shall consist of 202 class days. This is exclusive of the five-day semestral break. To ensure quality in the school operation and actual teaching-learning, a 180-day non-negotiable contact time for teachers, and the physical presence of school heads in school shall be enforced.
- Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.
Official School Calendar for School Year 2016-2017
Based on the latest announcement from the Department of Education, the school year 2016-2017 will begin on June 13, and will end on April 7.This school year consists of 202 school days. Private schools may deviate from the calendar; however, they may not start classes earlier than the first Monday of June, and not later than the last day of August.
[Read: DepEd Order No. 23 s2016 ]
Sources: ,
Download Official Brigada Eskwela 2016 Materials
Here are the Official Brigada Eskwela 2016 Materials
Official Electronic Class Record Templates for Grades 1 to 10
Official E-Class Record Templates
Source: Deped Official Website
The Department of Education (DepEd) provides these Electronic Class Record (ECR) Templates free for use by all public school teachers. The templates allow for computation of grades consistent with DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015, also known as the Policy Guidelines on Classroom Assessment for the K to 12 Basic Education Program.
To ensure sustainability and to minimize technical difficulty, the designed templates were simplified using basic features used in a spreadsheet file. User manuals are also provided to guide teachers on how to use the ECR templates.
Read more about the provision of the ECR templates on DepEd Memorandum No. 60, s. 2015.
Grade 1 ECR Templates | File |
Grade 1 - 1st Quarter | |
Grade 1 - 2nd Quarter | |
Grade 1 - 3rd Quarter | |
Grade 1 - 4th Quarter | |
Grade 1 Summary - Final Grades | |
Grade 2 ECR Templates | File |
Grade 2 - 1st Quarter | |
Grade 2 - 2nd Quarter | |
Grade 2 - 3rd Quarter | |
Grade 2 - 4th Quarter | |
Grade 2 Summary - Final Grades | |
Grade 3 ECR Templates | File |
Grade 3 - 1st Quarter | |
Grade 3 - 2nd Quarter | |
Grade 3 - 3rd Quarter | |
Grade 3 - 4th Quarter | |
Grade 3 Summary - Final Grades | |
Grade 4-6 ECR Templates | File |
Grade 4-6 - Filipino | |
Grade 4-6 - English | |
Grade 4-6 - Mathematics | |
Grade 4-6 - Science | |
Grade 4-6 - Araling Panlipunan | |
Grade 4-6 - Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP) | |
Grade 4-6 - Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (EsP) | |
Grade 4-6 Summary - Final Grades | |
Grade 5-6 ECR Templates | File |
Grade 5-6 Summary and General Average for SY 2015-2016 |
Grade 7-10 ECR Templates | File |
Grade 7-10 - Filipino | |
Grade 7-10 - English | |
Grade 7-10 - Mathematics | |
Grade 7-10 - Science | |
Grade 7-10 - Home Economics | |
Grade 7-10 - Araling Panlipunan | |
Grade 7-10 - Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (EsP) | |
Grade 7-10 - TLE | |
Grade 7-10 - MAPEH 1st Quarter | |
Grade 7-10 - MAPEH 2nd Quarter | |
Grade 7-10 - MAPEH 3rd Quarter | |
Grade 7-10 - MAPEH 4th Quarter | |
Grade 7-10 - MAPEH Final Grades | |
Grade 7-10 Summary - Final Grades | |
DM 77, s. 2016 - Electronic Tool for Senior High Schools
May 11, 2016
DepEd Memorandum No. 77, s. 2016
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau and Service Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Public Secondary School Heads
All Others Concerned
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau and Service Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Public Secondary School Heads
All Others Concerned
1. The Department of Education (DepEd) releases the Senior High School Electronic Class Program Tool (e-tool) for School Year 2016-2017 for use of school heads both in Integrated and Stand-Alone Senior High Schools (SHSs).
2. The electronic tool (e-tool) developed to aid school heads in the following:
a. Effective scheduling of SHS classes;
b. Determination of the number and type of SHS teachers they need to hire; and
c. Maximizing personnel hours through effective assignment of teaching loads and other learner support tasks to teachers.
3. The accomplished e-tool may also be used by the schools division offices in the following:
a. Ensuring effective SHS class programming and compliance with curriculum guidelines by the schools;
b. The deployment of SHS teachers among the schools in the schools division; and
c. Synchronizing class programs across schools to maximize resources.
4. The e-tool allows the school heads and their teams to assess and maximize existing human resources (that is Junior High School teachers who are underloaded and qualified, and who are willing to teach some subjects in SHS). By assigning these teachers to class programs, the e-tool can then compute how many teachers are still needed and can identify in which subject groups they belong. Because it is a management tool, it does not provide answers but rather helps the school heads to decide on the best course of action in terms of staffing and scheduling of classes. It also does not ensure the number of teacher items to be provided to the school. This is still subject to the discretion of the schools division offices (SDOs).
5. For ease of use, the design of the electronic tool uses a basic spreadsheet file, and it works best on MS Excel 2013 and above. SHS school heads can download this file on A tutorial video can be found at The use of this tool is also discussed in the SHS Manual of Operations Volume One to be released soon.
6. The Regional SHS coordinator shall lead the orientation of the SDOs and SHS school heads and shall ensure that technical assistance is provided to maximize the use of the electronic tool. The Schools Division Information Technology Officer I is expected to extend technical assistance to the school heads and their teams particularly on issues related to system or application.
7. For more information and clarifications, all concerned may contact the SHS E-tool Helpdesk through or School Effectiveness Division (SED) at telephone no. (02) 633-5397 or through email:
8. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired.
Gov’t workers to get 14th month pay in full this week
- P10K extra pay for public school teachers if Duterte-Cayetano wins in 2016
- Votes from OFW can make Bongbong Marcos as the next Vice President
- “I will raise teachers' salary by 10K next year ” — Mayor Rodrigo Duterte
Government workers will start receiving their 14th month pay bonuses starting this week, the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) announced Thursday.
Covered by Budget Circular No. 2016-3 are all positions for civilian personnel, whether regular, casual, or contractual in nature, appointive or elective, full-time or part-time.
The DBM said an employee must have rendered at least a total or an aggregate of four months of service from July 1, 2015 to May 15, 2016 to get a bonus.
Statement by the DBM on the Performance Evaluation of Gov’t Employees for the Grant of the Mid-Year Bonus
- Gov’t workers to get 14th month pay in full this week
- P10K extra pay for public school teachers if Duterte-Cayetano wins in 2016
- Votes from OFW can make Bongbong Marcos as the next Vice President
- “I will raise teachers' salary by 10K next year ” — Mayor Rodrigo Duterte
“We have been receiving queries on the guidelines for the grant of mid-year bonus, particularly for government employees who qualify based on their length of service, but have not yet received a performance rating by their respective agencies.
“Pursuant to Budget Circular 2016-3, the grant of mid-year bonus requires government personnel to render at least a total or an aggregate of four (4) months of service from July 1, 2015 to May 15, 2016, to be currently in service as of May 15, 2016, and to have received at least a satisfactory performance rating in the immediately preceding rating period.
“According to Memorandum Circular No. 6, s. 2012, a performance evaluation shall be regularly conducted by all agencies twice a year or once every semester following the guidelines prescribed by the Civil Service Commission. However, if the organizational needs of the agency concerned require a shorter or longer period, the minimum evaluation period shall be at least 90 days or three months.
“Thus, the DBM encourages government agencies to conduct the performance evaluation of their respective personnel for the grant of mid-year bonus on May 15, 2016.”
Drug lords are fleeing the Philippines, even before Duterte sits as President
- Gov’t workers to get 14th month pay in full this week
- P10K extra pay for public school teachers if Duterte-Cayetano wins in 2016
- Votes from OFW can make Bongbong Marcos as the next Vice President
- “I will raise teachers' salary by 10K next year ” — Mayor Rodrigo Duterte
The presumptive President of the Philippines, Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) a list of the Drug Personalities in Western Visayas. Philippine
PDEA, as the lead government agency in combating illegal drugs, is mandated to “arrest and apprehend as well as search all violators and seize or confiscate the effects or proceeds of the crimes as provided by law; take charge and have custody of all dangerous drugs and/or controlled precursors and essential chemicals seized, confiscated or surrendered to any national, provincial or local law enforcement agency,” among others.
Following news that Duterte’s camp asked for the list of individuals who are involved in the sale and distribution of illegal drugs, it has been reported that known big-time drug lords have begun fleeing the country.
A source who requested anonymity because he is not authorized to issue a statement told The Philippine Star that “foreign drug lords operating in the country and those already in the order of battle of various law-enforcement agencies have packed up and fled to South America or Mexico to relocate their illegal operation.”
The same source told The STAR that known big-time drug lords have begun fleeing the country before Duterte assumes the presidency next month.
“We have received reports that foreign drug lords operating in the country and those already in the order of battle of various law-enforcement agencies have packed up and fled to South America or Mexico to relocate their illegal operation,” he said.
Historical Atlas of the Republic of the Philippines
Historical Atlas of the Republic of the Philippines
The Historical Atlas of the Republic is the first of its kind in the country, presenting the historical, political, and economic developments of the Philippines from prehistoric times to the present, enlivened by comprehensive full-color maps and insightful narrative.
This book is available in an e-book format and PDF and is downloadable for free. OTHER FORMATS ALSO AVAILABLE HERE: malacañ
DBM: Mid-year Bonus to be released Monday
- Gov’t workers to get 14th month pay in full this week
- P10K extra pay for public school teachers if Duterte-Cayetano wins in 2016
- Votes from OFW can make Bongbong Marcos as the next Vice President
- “I will raise teachers' salary by 10K next year ” — Mayor Rodrigo Duterte
The Mid-Year Bonus of government employees mandated under Executive Order No. 201, s. 2016 will be released tomorrow, according to the Department of Budget and Management (DBM).
The DBM said it has released to the various agencies the Special Allotment Release Order (SARO) and the corresponding Notice of Cash Allocation for the Mid-Year Bonus requirement. The funding requirement for the Mid-Year bonus amounts to P31 billion, based on data on the number of filled positions in the Government Manpower Information System as of April 30, 2016.
Executive Order No. 201 approved by President Aquino on February 19, 2016 provides that a Mid-Year Bonus equivalent to one month basic salary as of May 15 shall be granted to all positions for civilian personnel, as well as military and uniformed personnel (MUP).
Budget Circular 2016-3, which provides the rules and regulations on the grant of said bonus states that the Mid-Year Bonus shall be given not earlier than May 15, 2016, in accordance with EO 201.
To be entitled, an employee must have rendered at least a total or an aggregate of 4 months of service from July 1, 2015 to May 15, 2016, obtained at least a satisfactory performance rating in the immediately preceding period, and should still be in the service as of May 15. Those with less than four months of service, or those that are no longer in the service as of May 15, shall not be entitled to the bonus.
For government employees who have rendered at least a total or an aggregate of four months of service, but have not yet received a performance rating by their respective agencies, the DBM urged agencies to conduct a performance evaluation of these personnel for the grant of mid-year bonus.
“According to Memorandum Circular No. 6, s. 2012, a performance evaluation shall be regularly conducted by all agencies twice a year or once every semester following the guidelines prescribed by the Civil Service Commission. However, if the organizational needs of the agency concerned require a shorter or longer period, the minimum evaluation period shall be at least 90 days or three months,” the DBM said in a statement.
For GOCCs, the governing board shall determine the grant of the bonus charged against approved corporate operating budgets. If funds are insufficient, they may grant at lower rates but at uniform percentage of the basic monthly salary as of May 15.
For LGUs, the Sanggunian shall determine the grant of the bonus charged against, and subject to the Personnel Services limitation in, LGU budgets. They may also grant at lower rates but at uniform percentage of the basic monthly salary as of May 15, if funds are insufficient.
Updated DepEd Official and Automated School Forms
1. DepEd Official School Forms below
Source: Deped Official Website
Date | School Form | File |
January 25, 2014 | School Form 1 to 7 | |
January 25, 2014 | School Form 1 - Register | |
January 25, 2014 | School Form 2 - Daily Attendance | |
January 25, 2014 | School Form 3 - Books Issued and Returned | |
January 25, 2014 | School Form 4 - Monthly Learner and Movement and Attendance | |
March 15, 2016 | School Form 5 - Report on Promotion and Learning Progress & Achievement | |
March 11, 2016 | School Form 6 - Summarized Report on Promotion and Learning Progress & Achievement | |
January 25, 2014 | School Form 7 - School Personnel Assignment List and Basic Profile | |
January 2014 | School Form - Data Description |
Why senior high school students should enroll early
Hinikayat ng DepEd ang mga senior high school na magpa-enroll nang maaga. First come, first served kasi ang mga slot nito sa paaralan. 'Yan ay dahil may target na bilang lang ng enrollees sa bawat track o specialization.
Please see to it that we do not refuse a single student who wants to enroll. Also please be reminded that we do not collect any fees as a requirement for enrollment.
Expenses related to the conduct of SHS Enrolment shall be charged to local funds and other fund sources, as appropriate and as authorized and subject to usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations.
Deped urged the public to send their complaints directly to DepEd through the following hotlines:
- +(632) 631 6033
- +(632) 636 1663
- +(632) 633 1942
- +(63 919) 456 0027
Teaching English Grammar: What to Teach and How to Teach it
Teaching English Grammar - by Jim Scrivener
Teaching English Grammar aims to help teachers meet these demands by offeringquick access to key aspects of structures, ready-to-use presentation ideas,contexts for first and subsequent exposure to new language and insights onchecking understanding.Teachers with less experience often struggle with providing contexts for the newlanguage they are presenting, and the activities here aim to provide simple andeffective situational contexts for such language at this point in the lesson. This isimportant, because if the situation is chosen so that the human meanings conveyedwithin it are compelling and transparent, then the meaning of the grammatical pointcan almost ‘teach itself’, reducing the need for verbal re-explanation from the teacher,and allowing the teacher to attend to the practice of the forms of the structure.At this point the teacher faces a second challenge: incisive checking of learners’understanding of the language point. The agile selection and use of conceptquestions to do this is also a crucial and often elusive skill for a new teacher todevelop, the lack of which easily leads instead to a habitualised over-reliance onthe misleading question ‘Do you understand?’The illustrative concept questionsin this book aim to help teachers to develop their confidence and facility in usingthese to check understanding.More experienced teachers will be able to use the material here to review7 and overhaulthe texture and elegance of their repertoire of presentation activities and approaches,streamlining their approach and developing their confidence and effectiveness
Marcos leads VP race but Leni ‘sure’ of win
Marcos leads VP race but Leni ‘sure’ of win
May 15, 2016 10:25 pm
Vice presidential candidate Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. is now leading main rival Camarines Sur congresswoman Leni Robredo by 995,207 votes, according to official Certificates of Canvass (COC) gathered so far by the senator’s legal team.
Administration bet Robredo, however, said she is “sure” that she will emerge as the winner in the race for Vice President.
As of Saturday (May 14, 2016), 3:30 pm, Marcos had a total of 12,479,207 votes, compared with Robredo’s 11,484,092.
The figures are based on 102 out of 122 COCs, or 87.7 percent.
Controversy struck the May 9 polls after the camp of Marcos exposed the allegedly mysterious introduction of a new computer program script that changed the hash code in the transparency server of the Commission on Elections (Comelec), suspecting that election results were tampered with.
Fears that the vote had been manipulated were raised after Robredo of the Liberal Party suddenly overtook the almost 1 million vote lead of the Ilocano senator in the count conducted by the election watchdog PPCRV
in less than five hours during which the nation of more than 100 million were mostly asleep.
The last lead of Marcos of 5,539 votes was posted at 2:59 a.m. of May 9. Marcos had 12,823,523 votes while the lawmaker from Bicol had 12,817,985.
A minute later, at 3 a.m., Robredo took the lead, with 14,876 more votes than those for Marcos.
Her numbers climbed further to 12,938,123, against Marcos’ 12,923,247.
These figures were based on the Comelec’s transparency server count monitored by the election watchdog and Catholic Church-based Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV).
Since that time, Marcos never regained the lead based on the PPCRV quick count and Robredo began maintaining a 200,000-vote lead.
The Marcos camp on Sunday reminded the public that only completed COC will be the basis for the national canvassing of the votes for President and Vice President by the National Board of Canvassers (NBOC) to be convened by Congress.
The quick count of the PPCRV, it pointed out, is not the basis for proclaiming winners of the May 9 polls.
Also on Sunday, Marcos attended a Holy Mass at the Baclaran Church in Paranaque City (Metro Manila) together with his mother and former First Lady Imelda Marcos, wife Liza, and eldest son Sandro.
Reporters failed to interview him because the senator was mobbed by churchgoers who all tried to reach out to him.
Marcos said his camp does not believe anymore results being posted by PPCRV and that they will just wait for May 25 wherein the NBOC will start canvassing the votes from the presidential and vice presidential races in a joint session of Congress.
But Robredo was upbeat about making it as the next Vice President of the Philippines.
“Sigurado na po base sa numero ng Comelec pero siyempre hindi pa tayo pwede mag-claim kasi ang pwede lang mag-claim ‘yung Comelec. ‘Yung pinaka-purpose lang ng pagpakita namin ng numero, marami kasing nangangamba dahil napakalapit nung laban, marami sa aming supporters ung nangangamba [We are already sure based on the numbers from the Comelec but of course we cannot claim (victory yet) because the only one who can claim (it for us) is the Comelec. The purpose of the update was to appease our our supporters because a lot of them were anxious due to the tight race],” she told reporters in an interview when asked if she is sure of victory.
Robredo said they wanted to appease their supporters as early as Tuesday but they did not want to use projections until they were absolutely sure of the numbers.
“Kagabi late at night naging sigurado na kami, ‘ung kulang na lang as of last night was 15 towns. Sigurado na kaming irreversible na siya. Ngayon, as of 2 p.m. ngayon nine towns na lang ‘yung kulang. ‘Yung worst case scenario na zero ako doon lahat ng towns na imposible din naman, panalo pa din [Yesterday late at night we became sure, there were only 15 towns left. We are sure that it is irreversible. Now, as of 2 p.m. now there are only nine towns left. In the worst-case scenario that I get zero votes in all those towns, which is also impossible, it’s still a win],” she added.
Robredo was referring to nine municipalities that are yet to send Certificates of Canvass (COC), namely: Rizal in Laguna; Allen, Catarman and Lope de Vega in Northern Samar; Binidayan, Masiu and Tamparan in Lanao del Sur; Indanan in Sulu; and Bacungan in Zamboanga del Norte, which equate to 168,988 registered voters.
A total of 233,226 votes (168,988 plus 64,238 registered detainee voters) have not yet been counted, according to Robredo’s camp.
Her lead as of Sunday afternoon was 257,567 votes, according to the Comelec count.
“Kahit ibigay pa natin ang lahat ng natititirang boto kay Sen. Marcos, batay sa datos ng official Comelec mismo ang naglalathala, kabilang na ang OAV [Overseas Absentee Voters] at LAV [Local Absentee Voters], lamang pa rin si Congresswoman Leni Robredo ng 24,341 [Even if we give to Sen. Marcos all the votes left, based on Comelec data, including OAV and LAV, Congresswoman Leni Robredo would atill lead by 24,341],” Boyet Dy, Robredo’s head for policy, said during a short program.
He added that Robredo leads in the five provinces where the 9 municipalities are located.
“Kaya malinaw na po, hindi na kakayaning habulin pa ni Sen. Marcos ang lamang ni Congresswoman Robredo. At hinding hindi po nagsisinungaling ang mga numero [So it is clear that Sen. Marcos can no longer catch up with Congresswoman Robredo’s lead. And numbers don’t lie],” Dy said.
Robredo, her daughters as well as her supporters, attended a thanksgiving Mass for peaceful and honest elections in the Church of the Gesù before her camp gave an update on the vice presidential race during the short program at the Ateneo de Manila University in Quezon City.
Duterte names Laurel for DepEd
![]() |
Dr. Peter P. Laurel, LPU Batangas President Photo credits: |
Presumptive President Rodrigo Duterte has announced Dr. Peter P. Laurel, President of Lyceum of the Philippines University (LPU), Batangas and Laguna Campuses to be the new Department of Education (DepEd) Secretary replacing Brother Armin Luistro, FSC during his Press Conference, Monday.
More info later..
- Duterte on K-12
- Marcos leads VP race
- Gov’t workers to get 14th month pay in full this week
- Drug lords are fleeing the Philippines, even before Duterte sits as President
- Votes from OFW can make Bongbong Marcos as the next Vice President
- “I will raise teachers' salary by 10K next year ” — Mayor Rodrigo Duterte
- Teaching English Grammar: What to Teach and How to Teach it
Duterte on K-12
Duterte asks for a month to study K-12
Incoming President Rodrigo Duterte asks for 1 month to study and discuss K-12 with incoming DepEd secretary.
Admitting that at first he was hesitant about K-12 but once it was explained to him, he became vacillated about his stand.
- Duterte names Laurel for DepEd
- Marcos leads VP race
- Gov’t workers to get 14th month pay in full this week
- Drug lords are fleeing the Philippines, even before Duterte sits as President
- Votes from OFW can make Bongbong Marcos as the next Vice President
- “I will raise teachers' salary by 10K next year ” — Mayor Rodrigo Duterte
- Teaching English Grammar: What to Teach and How to Teach it
REPLAY: Press conference of presumptive President Rodrigo Duterte
Official Senior High School E-Class Program (E-Tool v3 for 24 sections)
Given the challenges and the finite number of teacher items that can be allocated for all Schools Division Offices (SDOs), teacher hiring for Senior High School (SHS) becomes a rather complex process.
To address this, the SHS Electronic Class Program Tool has been developed to aid School Heads according to the following general procedures:
- Review the current teaching loads of all JHS teachers. Determine who among the JHS teachers are underloaded and can still teach SHS subjects
- Plot the class program/schedule of classes for every incoming SHS section.
- Assign SHS subjects to underloaded JHS teachers.
- Review the SHS subjects that do not yet have assigned teachers. This will be the basis for determining the number and type (according to subject groups) of teachers to hire.
Note: For Stand-alone SHS, do numbers 2 and 4 only.
For more information, refer to DepEd Order No. 3, s. 2016.
Title | File |
SHS E-Class Program (8 Sections) | |
SHS E-Class Program (16 Sections) | |
SHS E-Class Program (24 Sections) |
DepEd K to 12 Law on its 3rd year anniversary
- Duterte on K-12
- Marcos leads VP race
- Gov’t workers to get 14th month pay in full this week
- Drug lords are fleeing the Philippines, even before Duterte sits as President
- Votes from OFW can make Bongbong Marcos as the next Vice President
- “I will raise teachers' salary by 10K next year ” — Mayor Rodrigo Duterte
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The Department of Education (DepEd) enjoins the whole country in the observance of the 3rd year anniversary of the signing into law by President Benigno Simeon C. Aquino III, Republic Act No. 10533, An Act Enhancing the Philippine Education System by Strengthening Its Curriculum and Increasing the Number of Years for Basic Education otherwise known as the K to 12 Law.
The K to 12 Program covers 13 years of basic education with the following stages: Kindergarten to Grade 3, Grades 4 to 6, Grade 7 to 10 (Junior High School) and Grades 11 to 12 (Senior High School). This is found to be the best period for learning under basic education. It is also the recognized standard for students and professionals globally.
The Program holds distinct significance this coming School Year 2016-2017 as the Department begins the implementation of the Grade 11 of the Senior High School (SHS) Program, the first of the 2 cohorts (Grades 11 and 12) which were added to the country's 10-year basic education system.
Recently, the Supreme Court on March 15 dismissed several petitions filed against the implementation of the K to 12 Program, thus paving the way for its continued operation particularly the said SHS Program.
As the country girds for the opening of classes this coming School Year 2016-2017 on June 13, 2016, the Department through Education Secretary Br.Armin A. Luistro FSC invites and enjoins everyone to give their full support to the successful implementation of K to 12 Program specially the SHS Program.
Twitter to eliminate photos and links in character count
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- Votes from OFW can make Bongbong Marcos as the next Vice President
- “I will raise teachers' salary by 10K next year ” — Mayor Rodrigo Duterte
- Teaching English Grammar: What to Teach and How to Teach it
Twitter Inc users will soon have more flexibility in writing tweets because the company plans to stop including photos and links as part of its 140-character limit, according to a Bloomberg report.
The social media platform has faced stagnant user growth. Months earlier, Twitter Chief Executive Jack Dorsey said the company would simplify its product in an effort to attract new users.
“We think there's a lot of opportunity in our product to fix some broken windows that we know are inhibiting growth,” Dorsey said during a February earnings call.
Links currently take up to 23 characters of a tweet, limiting the amount of commentary that users can offer when sharing articles or other content.
Twitter has faced stagnant user growth, and shares have fallen more than 70 percent over the past year.
Twitter declined to comment on the report. — Reuters