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PROGRAM COVERS (Recognition,Graduation,Moving Up)



(Recognition,Graduation,Moving Up)

These files are EDITABLE and FREE to DOWNLOAD. Just click on the link below to view and download each file for FREE. These files were sent to us so we can share and help a lot more of our fellow teachers.

Few more weeks and we will come to the end of this school year. Hence, some teachers are now preparing for necessary things that will be needed in the coming recognition, graduation, and moving up ceremonies.

(Recognition,Graduation,Moving Up)

Below you will see some of the sample program covers which you can utilize and edit as you prefer. These files are in Word and PowerPoint format so you can easily navigate/edit details.


Graduation Program Cover EDITABLE (download)
Recognition Program Cover EDITABLE (download)
Graduation/Moving Up Program Cover EDITABLE (download)

4th Quarter Summative and Periodic Test Questions (All Subjects) - Grades 1 to 6


4th Quarter Summative and Periodic Test Questions  for Grade 1 to Grade 6 are available for download below. Just click on the link to view and download it for free.

We give full credits to the rightful owners of each file.

4th Quarter Summative and Periodic Test Questions (All Subjects) - Grades 1 to 6 

As we are approaching the end of this school year, we always go for an accurate way to evaluate our pupils' learning and giving these summative tests to them is merely a good example to do such.

Download 4th Quarter Summative and Periodic Test Questions (All Subjects) - Grades 1 to 6  below

  • Summative Tests (All Subjects) for Grade 1 - DOWNLOAD 
  • Summative Tests (All Subjects) for Grade 2 - DOWNLOAD 
  • Summative Tests (All Subjects) for Grade 3 - DOWNLOAD 
  • Summative Tests (All Subjects) for Grade 4 - DOWNLOAD 
  • Summative Tests (All Subjects) for Grade 5 - DOWNLOAD 
  • Summative Tests (All Subjects) for Grade 6 - DOWNLOAD 
  • Periodic Tests (All Subjects) for Grades 1- 6 - DOWNLOAD 

Wall Decors, Classroom Structuring and Instructional Materials Collection


Wall Decors, Classroom Structuring and Instructional Materials Collection

Designing your classroom is like helping your students to learn more by giving high value of interest on your posters, creative walls, and a like. A classroom is considered conducive to learning if students will feel safe and entertained at all times. Providing them with colorful designs posted and hanging in your classroom can obviously motivate learners to go to school and continuously attend learning sessions. Without attractive designs, learners may feel bored and show less interest to learning and worst lead to absenteeism.

Attendance, Birthday, Daily Sweepers Chart and Doer Board

Classroom, Homeroom Officers and Organizational Chart

Bulletin Boards for Grades 1-6, 1st - 4th Quarter

Classroom Rules for Classroom Structuring

Lupang Hinirang at Panunumpa sa Watawat 

Opening and Closing Prayers

Deped Mission, Vision, Core Values - DOWNLOAD 

High Quality Portraits of Pres Duterte and Sec Briones

Bulletins for Monthly Motto and Celebrations (June - March)

High Quality Posters for GAD, DRRM and NDEP Corner

Colorful Positivity Posters

My Story Book ft Henny Penny

  • Printable Alphabet Flashcards - DOWNLOAD
  • Unang Hakbang sa Pagbasa - DOWNLOAD
  • Classroom Rules for Classroom Structuring - DOWNLOAD
  • Colorful Positivity Poster - DOWNLOAD

K-12 Career Guidance Manual for Teachers


K-12 Career Guidance Manual for Teachers

The Career Guidance Manual has been developed to help teachers, guidance counselors, and career advocates help senior high school students in preparing them for a career they would want to pursue after senior high. The manual is composed of eight modules all taken up together to form a handbook. The modules build up one after the other such that at the initial module, students are presented with different career choices, slowly developing and intensifying in the next modules that tackle the different factors affecting the fulfillment of a dream/goal, how to deal with these factors, the preparations for equipping oneself with the skills required of a profession, including honing one’s personal attributes and characteristics that are equally essential as the technical capabilities when applying for work. As such, by the last module, the students would have been very confident about the career he/she intends to undertake.

K-12 Career Guidance Manual for Teachers

The modules build up one after the other such that at the initial module, students are presented with different career choices, slowly developing and intensifying in the next modules that tackle the different factors affecting the fulfillment of a dream/goal, how to deal with these factors, the preparations for equipping oneself with the skills required of a profession, including honing one’s personal attributes and characteristics that are equally essential as the technical capabilities when applying for work. As such, by the last module, the students would have been very confident about the career he/she intends to undertake.

Career Guidance Manual for Teachers

Implementation of Fourth Tranche Salary Standardization Law (SSL)


Last January 11, 2019 (Friday), Budget Secretary Benjamin Diokno gave his official statement that the fourth tranche of the salary increase of government employees will be implemented this coming February. He assured that the employees will have their salary differential for that matter.

“With pronouncements from Congress that budget bill will be their top priority upon resumption next week, we expect the GAA(General Appropriations Act) to be signed first week February,” Sec. Diokno said.

Fourth Tranche Salary Standardization (SSL) Law Effective January 1, 2019

READ: List of Official Non-Working Days of 2019 in the Philippines

Based on Executive Order No. 201 Series of 2016. Below is the Fourth Tranche Salary Standardization (SSL) Law Effective January 1, 2019.


READ: List of Official Non-Working Days of 2019 in the Philippines

Step 1Step 2Step 3Step 4Step 5Step 6Step 7Step 8

Deped New Promotion Scheme for Teaching Positions


Deped New Promotion Scheme for Teaching Positions

Teachers under the Department of Education (DepEd) are all excited in the New Promotion Scheme for Teaching Position 2019.

The said new promotion policy will address the clamors of teachers pertaining to career development. This was revealed by Education Undersecretary Jesus Mateo in an interview with Philstar last September 26, 2018.

The new scheme will enable teachers to advance to higher positions based on their achievement and compliance of the set of competencies rather than waiting for a vacancy like in the current set-up.

Deped New Promotion Scheme for Teaching Positions

According to the statement of Department of Education (DepEd) representative, teachers will have a career path from Teacher I to Teacher VII (Salary Grade 11 to Salary Grade 17) and Master Teacher 1 to Master Teacher IV (Salary Grade 18 to Salary Grade 22).

READ: Implementation of Fourth Tranche Salary Standardization Law (SSL)

Check the New Promotion Policy for Teaching Positions below

“This shall also mean that teachers will no longer have to shift to the school administration career line for career growth,” it added.

2019 is also the year for the last tranche of the salary increase for teachers.

2019 DepEd Automatic Upgrading of Positions through Equivalents Record Form (ERF) Guidelines


2019 DepEd Equivalents Record Form (ERF) Requirements

To facilitate the processing of requests for upgrading of positions of teacher and other teaching related positions thru the Equivalents Record Form (ERF), the following are the required documents.

  • Automatic Upgrading of Positions for Eligible Public School Teachers through Equivalent Record Form (ERF) Scheme
  • Automatic Position Upgrading
  • Requirements in the Processing of Equivalents Record Form (ERF)
  • Requirements for ERF (T2, T3, HT I-III)
  • Requirement for Reclassification of Principal (Before 2011)
  • Requirement for Reclassification of Teachers to Master Teacher (Before 2011)
  • The Unit Requirements for ERF

Automatic Upgrading of Positions for Eligible Public School Teachers through Equivalent Record Form (ERF) Scheme

It has been observed that many teachers retire as Teacher I despite having served for 20 years or more. An application of the ERF Scheme should have upgraded the positions of these teachers. It is possible that many teachers are unaware of the opportunities offered by such scheme or do not bother to apply because of the documentary requirements.

As a manifestation of the DepEd concern for the welfare of these teachers and to provide adequate recognition for dedicating the best years of their life to teaching, regional/division offices are hereby directed to upgrade the positions of teachers entitled to “automatic position upgrading”. – DECS Order No. 52, s. 1999.

Automatic Position Upgrading

Automatic Position Upgrading is hereby defined as adjustment of salary given to Teachers I who have rendered 20 or more years satisfactory teaching service without the need for filing an application to ERF upgrading.

The computation of the length of service shall include only the years of teaching experience which were not credited in the computation of step increment due to length of service as provided under Joint CSC-DBM Circular No. 1, s. 1990.

The salary increase corresponding to the upgrading of the position shall be effected through the issuance of Notice of Salary Adjustment by the Schools Division Superintendent or Head of the School for secondary schools. The teacher shall be given the salary rate of the new salary grade corresponding to his designated salary step.

Division offices are directed to identify the teachers who meet the length of service requirement provided herein. Priority shall be given to teachers who meet the length of service requirement at earlier dates. However, retirable teachers shall be given priority.

Certification as to qualified teachers shall be submitted to the regional director by the division superintendent concerned as bases for payment in addition to the Notice of Salary Adjustment and Service Records.

Requirements in the Processing of Equivalents Record Form (ERF)

  • Endorsement of the School Principal
  • Letter Request of the teacher for salary upgrade
  • Three (3) copies of fully accomplished ERF
  • One (1) original and one (1) duplicate copy of Official Transcript of Record with S.O. Number for private schools, and Board Referendum/ Resolution number for public schools. For teachers who are non- teacher education graduates, units earned in education should be included in the Transcript of Records
  • One (1) original and one (1) duplicate copy of Certification from the Registrar as to the MA units/ degree earned by the teacher (if public school)
  • One (1) original and one (1) duplicate copy of Sworn Statement stating that the teacher actually earned the units indicated in the Transcript of Records (Signed by the Mayor/Notary Public and with updated Community Tax Certificate No.)
  • One (1) original and one (1) duplicate copy of Certification from the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) as to the masteral units/ degree earned by the teacher (if private school)
  • One copy of MA Curriculum/checklist certified by the Registrar
  • One (1) original and one (1) duplicate copy of comprehensive complete Service Record showing inclusive dates of paid service and salary adjustments/increases granted duly certified by the Schools Division Superintendent or any authorized official to certify service records
  • One (1) certified photocopy of previously approved Equivalent Record Form as Teacher II, if any, or Certification of no approved ERF as Teacher II (for Teacher III) 11. One (1) copy of Approved Permit to Study
  • PBET/LET Rating
  • Teacher’s License
  • Marriage Contract (if maiden name is reflected in other records), three (3) authenticated copies (female)
  • Latest Appointment (3 authenticated copies)
  • One (1) original and one (1) duplicate copy of Notarized List of Teachers being supervised by the proposed appointee with their item numbers ( for HT II & III)
  • One (1) copy of thesis book (MA Degree)
  • Three (3) copies of duly signed Plantilla Allocation List
  • One (1) copy of Personnel Service Itemization and Plantilla of Personnel (PSIPOP) 20. One (1) copy of latest pay slip
  • Copy of NOSI, if any


  • Only Teachers with Very Satisfactory Performance rating should be processed for upgrading. The IPCRF with the latest performance rating should be included on the ERF.
  • The maximum study load of nine (9) units per semester/ trimester should be strictly followed. Teachers who are candidates for graduation may be allowed to carry from one (1) to three (3) units more than the nine (9) units authorized, provided that these units are the last units these teachers need to enable them to graduate.
  • To easily identify the different requests of school divisions, it is suggested that white colored folders be used for ERFs, reclassification of positions, retirements, and other requests.


1. ERF – 4 pieces
  • Original – for the teacher
  • 2nd copy – for Regional Office
  • 3rd copy – for Division Office
  • 4th copY – for the school

2. Original Official Transcript of Records (OTR) with two (2) photocopies duly certified

3. Sworn statement of the teacher in accordance with the provision of DepEd Order No. 12, s. 1962, an enclosure to DepEd Memorandum No. 51, s. 1962, if the teacher studied in a private school

4. Copy of approved study leave/permit per semestral basis or scholarship in accordance with DepEd Circular No. 17, s. 1960 and DepEd Order No. 56, s. 1984 (study permits from 2005 onwards/Attach Original)

5. Certification form the school as to the area of specialization in the given course and as to the number of units required to finish the course including thesis writing

6. Updated service records showing inclusive dates of paid service and salary adjustment granted duly certified by the SDS and/or authorized official

7. Latest two (2) performance rating with at least very satisfactory rating

8. Certificates of trainings/seminars (only those seminars and work conferences sponsored solely by the bureau of School or DepEd will be credited for purposes of promotion to higher positions or for adjustment of salary ranges by the WAPCO credit evaluation unit (not applicable for MA degree holders)

9. Professional activities duly approved by the SDS (district level not included), educational travels, authorship of educational materials, if any

10. Additional requirements for Head Teachers:
  • List of teachers together with their item numbers under the supervision of the recommendee signed by the SDS (6 teachers including the applicant)
  • Designation as TIC/OIC
  • Evaluation Sheet
  • Ranklist signed by the screening committee
  • Ample justification/s, outstanding/very satisfactory accomplishment to warrant reclassification


I. From Teacher I-II
  • BSE + 20 MA units
  • BSE + 20 years in the service
  • BSE + 18 MA units + 6 years in the service
  • BSE + 15 MA units + 8 years in the service + level IV

II. From Teacher II-III
  • BSE + 20 MA units + 20 years experience
  • MA Degree
  • MA equivalent [ 30 MA units (with certification from the school registrar that the applicant has completed the academic requirements) + 15 years in the service + level IV ]
The equivalent units of trainings will be computed as one (1) unit for every three (3) days of continuous training with the maximum of five (5) units
The equivalent units for experience is one (1) unit for every three (3) years for public schools and one (1) for every five (5) years in private schools

TEACHER II (BSE +20 units)
  • BSE + 20 MA units = BSE + 20
  • BSE + 20 years = BSE + 20
  • BSE + 18 MA units + 6 years = BSE + 20
  • BSE + 15 MA units + 8 years + level IV (training) = BSE + 20

TEACHER III (MA Degree or MA equivalent)
  • All holders of masteral degrees are classified MA degree
For MA equivalent
  • BSE + 20 MA + 20 years = MA equivalent

RPMS Classroom Observation Simulation Materials with Sample DLP


Simulation refers to the imitation of real-world activities and processes in a safe environment. Simulations aim to provide an experience as close to the ‘real thing’ as possible; however, a simulated activity has the advantage of allowing learners to ‘reset’ the scenario and try alternative strategies and approaches. This allows learners to develop experience of specific situations by applying their wider learning and knowledge.

The approach is frequently used in disciplines where students need to develop skills and experience but safety issues or cost considerations prevent this happening in the real-world. For example, medical simulators allow students to practice diagnosis and treatment on dummies that can react in sophisticated and fairly realistic ways; whereas, trainee pilots (and aeronautical engineering students) use flight simulators to learn how an aircraft would react in a variety of conditions without ever leaving the ground. However, while the use of simulation is obvious and well established in these areas, it does exist in others, such as the ‘moot’ or simulated courtroom in Law, and could be applied in still more. In some disciplines, the difference between a simulation and a role-play exercise may be negligible, particularly where the exercise is focused on interactions between people.

Classroom Observation Process

This document features the steps undertaken by teachers and observers in doing the classroom observation in the RPMS cycle.

RPMS Classroom Observation Simulation Materials with Sample DLP

Classroom Observation Process
Inter-Observer Agreement Form_Proficient Teacher
Sample DLP for Classroom Observation Simulation
Observation Notes Form
Rating Sheet_Proficient Teacher
Understanding Classroom Observation Process

4th Periodic Test Questions with TOS for Elem and SHS


4th Periodic Test Questions with TOS for Elem and SHS

Out of generosity of our fellow teachers, this site will provide you some ready-made periodical tests that you can download and use for your convenience. We adhere to propose that you do some validation and adjustment for we are aware of the circumstances that you may be facing depending on your geographical location and learning styles of your learners. You may modify and add more HOTS questions or you may also simplify these questions to fit your learners’ capability. Either way, we only good for our learners.

Just click below to view and start your download. Our website assures you that while you are using our site you will be free from any sort of virus.

4th Periodical Test/ Quarterly Exam Questions for Elementary and Senior High School

Select your respective Grade Level below to view and download FOR FREE the available periodical tests. Most of the tests have their own Table of Specifications or TOS. Please feel free to download and edit it to better fit your learners and reach your target goals.

4th Periodical Test Quarterly Exam Questions with TOS for Elementary 

Please click your preferred grade level below to view and start your download. Our website assures you that while you are using our site you will be free from any sort of virus.

Vocabulary IMs (Hello Kitty Theme)


Vocabulary Instructional Materials (Hello Kitty Theme)

Download for FREE the Instructional Materials below. Just click on the link to view and download it. Hello Kitty is used as the design to make it even more attractive and catchy to learners. Big thanks to Ma’am Maria Cecilia Gumaroy Puertollano for sharing this file and made it available to our fellow teachers.

Vocabulary Instructional Materials (Hello Kitty Theme)

BY: Ma’am Maria Cecilia Gumaroy Puertollano

Increasing the vocabulary of our learners will bring more positive results as it compensates many other aspects like comprehension, critical thinking, giving inputs, and a like. It is then important for each class to give such importance in developing the vocabulary of each learner for more effective teaching and learning to happen. Much healthier academic atmosphere will arise if learners will be able to understand and use various words in various contexts. So we appeal to all teachers that we should somehow incorporate activities and use materials in dealing with the improvement of their vocabulary. It will truly be time consuming yet it will be well paid off at the end. Happy teaching

ALSO AVAILABLE: Wall Decors, Display Boards and Classroom Structuring Materials

Duterte OKs drug education in K to 12 next school year


MANILA, Philippines – President Rodrigo Duterte recently approved a proposal that would make drug education mandatory from kindergarten to Grade 12 students next school year, SY 2019-2020.

Based on data from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the prevalence of drug use in the Philippines is lower than the global average; however, the Philippines had the highest rate of methamphetamine use in East Asia, according to the United Nations (UN).

The UNODC report in 2016 revealed that most barangays in Metro Manila are affected by illegal drugs. The same could be said in many barangays across the country.

Duterte OKs drug education in K to 12 next school year

Duterte wants to eradicate drugs from the Philippines. He promised to remove drugs in the country within six (6) months in his term but did not realize that the problem was much bigger than he expected.

In a bid to stop children from even trying out drugs, the Department of Education (DepEd) proposed the mandatory inclusion of drug education in students in K-12 in the upcoming school year.

READ: Implementation of Fourth Tranche Salary Standardization Law (SSL)

Presidential Spokesperson Salvador Panelo confirmed that DepEd Secretary Leonor Briones presented the curriculum for drug education during the 34th Cabinet meeting led by President Rodrigo Duterte at Malacañang Palace last Wednesday, February 6.

While Panelo did not elaborate on all the items talked about during the Cabinet meeting, he shared that DepEd has already started its campaign through school-based activities like poster and slogan-making, counseling and coaching, and rather controversial move to test teachers and high school students for drugs.

DepEd has also established barkada (peer) centers in its barkada kontra droga (peer groups against drugs) campaign.

The government agency also been working on a comprehensive education material which aims to bolster drug prevention program in public schools. This program is created in coordination with the Dangerous Drugs Board and the Department of Health (DOH).

Cabinet Secretary Karlo Nograles confirmed that the president had given the go signal for the DOH to teach the ‘Preventive Drug Education Program’ starting next school year.

LOOK: Final draft of new Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of CPD Law


MANILA, Philippines – (UPDATED) The final draft of the new Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of the Continuing Professional Development Law of 2016 (CPD Law) has been released.

Dated January 31, 2019, the draft outlines the new rules and regulations for the implementation of the CPD Law.

On Monday, February 4, the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) made an announcement that they had lifted the enforcement of the CPD Law for an indefinite period. The new resolution shall be released within the month.

LOOK: Final draft of new Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of CPD Law

For now, a transition period is being implemented. The Overseas Filipino workers (OFW) and newly licensed professionals are now temporarily exempted from complying the CPD requirements for their licenses renewal until the new IRR is approved. CPD requirements are also reduced to not more than 15 units.

During the Senate consultation, the senators confirmed that there is a clamor for the repeal of the CPD Law, however, they admitted that it will need a lengthy legislative process. They also revealed that as of the moment, there are no progress on the bills seeking for the repeal of the CPD Law in the Congress.

Among the provision of the new IRR includes:

  • Significant decrease in the number of required CPD units for the renewal of professional license. From 45 units, it’s now down to 15 units every three years. 
  • In-house trainings and capacity-building activities of government agencies and corporations, including local government units and private employers shall be credited and considered as CPD compliance. 
  • CPD is still a mandatory requirement for the renewal of the PRC ID of all registered and licensed professionals. 
  • For teachers, there should be an alignment in the CPD forms with the DepEd to lessen the burden of additional paperwork. 

During the transition period, the following shall be observed:

  • Professionals working abroad shall not be covered by the CPD requirement during the period of their employment abroad. 
  • Newly licensed professionals shall be exempted from CPD requirements for their first renewal. 
  • CPD councils shall reduce the required CPD units to a minimum which shall not be more than 15 CPD units. 

The following are the pre-conditions of the PRC before they can fully implement the mandatory CPD law:

1. Needs-based capacity building for professional organizations and professionals

2. Assignment of Philippine Qualifications Framework for all professionals with the following appropriate mechanism for awarding of qualifications:
  • Standardization of the assessment of learning outcomes with corresponding credit units. 
  • Crafting of the mechanics for the accumulation of credit units leading to award of qualifications or higher PQF levels. 
  • Institutionalization of Career Progression and Specialization 
3. Upgrade of the CPD Accreditation System

4. Attainment of sufficient number of accredited CPD providers and programs

5. Rationalization of CPD Registration/Seminar Fees

It was agreed during the consultation that until the PRC complies with the pre-conditions, all seminars attended by licensed professionals should be recognized as CPD units and shall be accepted as valid for the renewal of their licenses.

PRC Chairman Teofilo S. Pilando, Jr. said the aforementioned provisions will be in effect until end to the transition period for RA 10912.

“This resolution will take effect after 15 days following its publication in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation, copy furnished the U.P. Law Center,”Pilando said.

Hopefully once all of these things are met then we will be prepared the mandatory character of the law,” the PRC chair added.

Transition period

PRC Commissioner Yolanda David Reyes clarified that the duration of the transition period will differ for all professions. It will depend on their compliance to the “deliverables” or the pre-conditions stipulated in their amended Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR).

“We will be implementing it per profession,” Reyes said.

The transition period will be time for Professional Regulation Boards (PRB) and CPD councils to update their operational guidelines for the CPD Act. They have to make sure that the CPD units are aligned with the career progression needed for their professions and present module for CPD programs.

These guidelines are expected to be enforced by the respective Accredited Integrated Professional Organization (AIPO) and Accredited Professional Organizations (APO).

CPD units must be “outcomes based”

PRC Commissioner Jose Yabes Cueto Jr. stressed the importance of making CPD units to be “outcomes based” or dependent on the academic or skills achievements of professionals so it will be fair.

For example, Cueto cited the case wherein the 15 CPD units for a three-day unit is higher compared to the 10 CPD unit for every year of post-graduate training.

During the transition period, they will be looking at possible ways to assess learning outcomes.

An Action Research on the Effectiveness of Differentiated Instruction In Teaching


Sample Action Research

Courtesy of Teacher PH (teacherph.com)

The Download link of the MS Word copy of this Action Research is available at the last page of this post.

An Action Research on the Effectiveness of Differentiated Instruction In Teaching English for Grade Four Classes

Mary Joy V. Olicia

I. Introduction

Like Science and Math, English is a difficult but an important subject because the curriculum considers it as a tool subject needed to understand the different content subjects. Basically, it is concerned with developing competencies in listening, speaking, reading, writing, and viewing. Speaking includes skills in using the language expressions and grammatical structures correctly in oral communication while writing skill includes readiness skills, mechanics in guided writing, functional and creative writing (K to 12 Curriculum Guide for Grade 4).

The K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum aims to help learners understand that English language is involved in the dynamic social process which responds to and reflects changing social conditions. It is also inextricably involved with values, beliefs and ways of thinking about the person and the world people dwell. The curriculum aims that pupils are given an opportunity to build upon their prior knowledge while utilizing their own skills, interests, styles, and talents.
However, teachers find difficulties in teaching different kinds of pupils with different intellectual capacities, talent or skills, interest, and learning styles especially in heterogeneous groupings of pupils. This situation calls for teachers to create lessons for all pupils based upon their readiness, interests, and background knowledge. Anderson (2007) noted that it is imperative not to exclude any child in a classroom, so a differentiated learning environment must be provided by a teacher.

Differentiated instruction is based on the concept that the teacher is a facilitator of information, while students take the primary role of expanding their knowledge by making sense of their ability to learn differently (Robinson, Maldonado, & Whaley, 2014).
Wilson (2009) argued that differentiated instruction is the development of the simple to the complex tasks, and a difference between individuals that are otherwise similar in certain respects such as age or grade are given consideration. Additionally, Butt and Kusar (2010) stated that it is an approach to planning, so that one lesson may be taught to the entire class while meeting the individual needs of each child.
According to Tomlinson (2009), DI as a philosophy of teaching is based on the premise that students learn best when their teachers accommodate the differences in their readiness levels, interests, and learning profiles. It sees the learning experience as social and collaborative. The responsibility of what happens in the classroom is first to teacher, but also to the learner (Subban, 2006). Additionally, DI presents an effective means to address learner’s variance which avoids the pitfalls of the one-size-fits-all curriculum. Stronge (2004) and Tomlinson (2004b) claimed that addressing student differences and interest enhance their motivation to learn and make them to remain committed and to stay positive as well.
Stravroula (2011) conducted a study in investigating the impact of DI in mixed ability classrooms and found out that the implementation of differentiation had made a big step in facing the negative effects of socio-economic factors on students’ achievement by managing diversity effectively, providing learning opportunities for all students. The positive change in students’ achievement had shown that differentiation can be considered as an effective teaching approach in mixed ability classrooms.

Furthermore, Servilio (cited by Robinson, 2014) studied the effectiveness of using DI to motivate students to read and found out that an average of 83.4% of the students’ grades improved in reading, 12.5% remained the same, and 41% of the grades decreased.

As educator, the teacher-researcher was motivated to conduct this action research on the effectiveness of DI in teaching English on Grade Four pupils for a week-long lesson. She also she wanted to know the effect of this method on the academic performance of the pupils from results of the diagnostic and achievement test.

II. Statement of the Problem

This study determined the effectiveness of conducting DI to Grade Four English class. Specifically, it answered the following.

RPMS Portfolio Cover Designs


Download for FREE the RPMS Portfolio Cover set in word format so you can freely edit it as you prefer. This was made through the effort of DepEd Click team to make it convenient for you, our fellow teachers.

RPMS Portfolio Cover Designs

RPMS Portfolio Cover Designs -Microsoft Word Document

credit to owner

We are now in the time of completing our portfolio as part of our school year requirements. Yet we cannot deny that this RPMS has helped has to perform better and to learn how to document every single effort we make. Here at DepEd Tambayan, we hope that you have become a true agent of change in education and contribute to the betterment of our pupils' lives.

Ready Made 4th Periodic Test Questions with Table of Specification (TOS)


In line with the implementation of the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 (Republic Act No. 10533), the Department of Education is adopting the enclosed Policy Guidelines on Classroom Assessment for the K to 12 Basic Education Program.

Classroom Assessment is an integral part of curriculum implementation. It allows the teachers to track and measure learners’ progress and to adjust instruction accordingly. Classroom assessment informs the learners, as well as their parents and guardians, of their progress.

Effective School Year (SY) 2015-2016, the Policy Guidelines on Classroom Assessment for the K to 12 Basic Education Program shall be implemented in public elementary and secondary schools nationwide.

Non-DepEd schools are urged to implement these policy guidelines as well. Non-DepEd schools are permitted to modify these policy guidelines according to their school’s Philosophy, Vision, and Mission with the approval of the appropriate DepEd Regional Office.
Special programs may further issue supplementary guidelines in relation to the program’s specific assessment concerns.

These guidelines will remain in force and in effect for the duration of the program, unless sooner repealed, amended, or rescinded. All existing Orders and Memoranda that are inconsistent with this Order are rescinded.

Ready Made 4th Periodic Test Questions with Table of Specification (TOS)

4th Quarter Daily Lesson Log, Week 5 - DLL for Feb 18-22, 2019


4th Quarter Daily Lesson Log, Week 5 - DLL  for Feb 18-22, 2019

Select your grade level below to view and download for free the week-long daily lesson logs already prepared for you to use. We give full credits to the rightful owners/authors/contributors of these files.

We are now on the first week of the 4th and final quarter of this school year. Learners are now expected to perform the best way they can to lift higher their grades in all subject areas. On the other hand, teachers are also expected to perform their duties appropriately with greater compassion so can all deliver the quality education we all deserve.

NEW 4th Quarter Daily Lesson Log
Week 5 DLL for February 18-22, 2019

UPDATED! Kinder Daily Lesson Log - DOWNLOAD
UPDATED! Grade 1 Daily Lesson Log - DOWNLOAD
UPDATED! Grade 2 Daily Lesson Log - DOWNLOAD
UPDATED! Grade 3 Daily Lesson Log - DOWNLOAD
UPDATED! Grade 4 Daily Lesson Log - DOWNLOAD
UPDATED! Grade 5 Daily Lesson Log - DOWNLOAD
UPDATED! Grade 6 Daily Lesson Log - DOWNLOAD


4th Quarter Daily Lesson Log, Week 6 - DLL for Feb 18-22, 2019


4th Quarter Daily Lesson Log, Week 6 - DLL  for Feb 18-22, 2019

Select your grade level below to view and download for free the week-long daily lesson logs already prepared for you to use. We give full credits to the rightful owners/authors/contributors of these files.

We are now on the first week of the 4th and final quarter of this school year. Learners are now expected to perform the best way they can to lift higher their grades in all subject areas. On the other hand, teachers are also expected to perform their duties appropriately with greater compassion so can all deliver the quality education we all deserve.

NEW 4th Quarter Daily Lesson Log
Week 6 DLL for February 18-22, 2019

UPDATED! Kinder Daily Lesson Log - DOWNLOAD
UPDATED! Grade 1 Daily Lesson Log - DOWNLOAD
UPDATED! Grade 2 Daily Lesson Log - DOWNLOAD
UPDATED! Grade 3 Daily Lesson Log - DOWNLOAD
UPDATED! Grade 4 Daily Lesson Log - DOWNLOAD
UPDATED! Grade 5 Daily Lesson Log - DOWNLOAD
UPDATED! Grade 6 Daily Lesson Log - DOWNLOAD


End of School Year (EOSY) 2018-2019 Forms for Class Advisers


At the beginning of the school year, the class adviser shall collect supporting documents to establish the identity of each learner assigned to his/her advisory class.

As the school year proceeds, all the needed documents/reports/forms shall be accomplished cordially and be prepared before the checking forms is conducted at the year end. The School Checking Committee is expected to conduct a pre-checking activity involving the thorough review of all learner’s records for all classes.

The SCC is also tasked to communicate with the DCC regarding the schedule for the checking of forms and other necessary arrangements.

Upon the completion of all requirements and relevant documents, class advisers and school heads shall perform the following:


WEEK 5- 4th Quarter DLL's (February 18-22, 2019) All Grade Levels UPDATED


4th Quarter Daily Lesson Log, Week 5 - DLL  for Feb 18-22, 2019

Select your grade level below to view and download for free the week-long daily lesson logs already prepared for you to use. We give full credits to the rightful owners/authors/contributors of these files.

We are now on the first week of the 4th and final quarter of this school year. Learners are now expected to perform the best way they can to lift higher their grades in all subject areas. On the other hand, teachers are also expected to perform their duties appropriately with greater compassion so can all deliver the quality education we all deserve.

NEW 4th Quarter Daily Lesson Log
Week 5 DLL for February 18-22, 2019

UPDATED! Kinder Daily Lesson Log - DOWNLOAD
UPDATED! Grade 1 Daily Lesson Log - DOWNLOAD
UPDATED! Grade 2 Daily Lesson Log - DOWNLOAD
UPDATED! Grade 3 Daily Lesson Log - DOWNLOAD
UPDATED! Grade 4 Daily Lesson Log - DOWNLOAD
UPDATED! Grade 5 Daily Lesson Log - DOWNLOAD
UPDATED! Grade 6 Daily Lesson Log - DOWNLOAD


Congress allots P800 million as special allowance for public school teachers in 2019 budget


Congress allots P800 million as special allowance for public school teachers in 2019 budget

The Senate bicameral panel has allocated P800 million as special allowance to public school teachers under the proposed 2019 P3.757-trillion national budget.

READ: CPD units compliance for teachers now down from 45 to 15 units

This will be on top of the increase in the chalk allowance for teachers the past years, Senator Loren Legarda, chairwoman of the bicameral conference panel of the Upper House, said Saturday.

Senator Loren Legarda

These will be embedded in the national budget awaiting approval or veto by President Duterte.

The national government is at present operating under a reenacted budget.

Legarda, also chairwoman of the Senate finance committee, said the special allowance would be distributed at P1,000 per teacher, every World Teachers’ Day on October 5, as an incentive or honorarium.

The lady legislator said that the goal was to highlight the value of teachers and the essential role they play in the development of the youth.

“We cannot overemphasize the importance of our teachers. They are our unsung heroes who dedicate their lives to mold the minds of the Filipino youth. They also do other duties for our country by assisting during the elections and aid the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) in gathering data from households across the country,” she said.

READ: Duterte signs the new SSS Law

“We must advance the social, economic, and professional status of our teachers, who face day-to-day challenges in our education system. It is only fair that the men and women behind our successes receive the benefits and incentives they deserve,” she added.

In the previous budgets, Legarda said she also supported the increase in the chalk or cash allowance of teachers.

The increase in chalk allowance allowed teachers to purchase more classroom supplies that aid them in effectively teaching their students.

In 2015, the chalk allowance of teachers was raised from P1,000 to P1,500. It was increased to P2,500 and P3,500 during years 2017 and 2018, respectively.

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