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PRC to move compliance of CPD requirement for teachers

New Lay-out of Graduation Certificate Templates for Performance and Character Awards

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New Lay-out of Graduation Certificate Templates for Performance and Character Awards

Certificate Templates for Performance Award

Certificate Templates for Character Awards

Guidelines in the Utilization of the 2017 Uniform or Clothing Allowance


Guidelines in the Utilization of the 2017 Uniform or Clothing Allowance

In line with the agencie's goal of pursuing excellence in administration and governance and in compliance with Section 12.1 of Budget Circular No. 2012-1 (BC No. 2012-1), the following guidelines is hereby issued to implement the grant of the Uniform/ Clothing Allowance (U/CA) of 2017 as prescribed in Section 54 of the General Provisions of RA 10717 (i.e. General Appropriations Act of 2016).

Rationale for the grant of Uniform/ Clothing Allowance. As contained in Section 5.0 of BC No. 2012, the U/ CA is granted to defray expenses for uniforms or distinctive clothing which are the required appropriate attire for employees in the regular performance of their work. 

In general, such uniforms or clothing are intended for the following purposes: 
  1. To identify the employees with their mother agencies and to convey emblem of authority; 
  2. To serve as protective Of working clothing especially for maintenance, workshop, and farm personnel; and, 
  3. To defray expenses for their maintenance. Amount and entitlement of U/ CA. For FY 2016, the amount of Php 5,000 is allotted per qualified employee.

List of Passers: Teachers Board Exam (LET) March 2017 Results


For those who took the March 2017 Licensure Exams for Teachers, or those who have friends or family members who did so, the results are expected to be released within 30-40 working days after the examination which would be within May 10-24.

The 'March 2017 LET results' or the Licensure Exam for Teachers Elementary and Secondary levels list of passers, top 10 examinees, top performing schools and related announcements will be available at this website soon as PRC officially released the results online few weeks after the last day of board examination.

List will be updated once released by PRC. (Bookmark this post for checking)

The BPT who gave the board exam is composed of Dr. Rosita L. Navarro, Chairman; Dr. Paz I. Lucido, Dr. Paraluman R. Giron and Dr. Nora M. Uy, Members.

The exam covered two parts for Elementary Education – General Education (40%) and Professional Education (60%), while Secondary Education covered three parts – General Education (20%), Professional Education (40%) and Specialization (40%)

To pass the March 2017 LET, an examinee must obtain an average rating of not less than 75% and must have no rating lower than 50% in any of the tests, PRC said.

Passing the LET and obtaining a PRC license are necessary before the practice of teaching profession in the Philippines.

Elementary: List of Passers (A-C | D-F | G-I | J-L | M-O | P-R | S-U | V-X | Y-Z)
Secondary: List of Passers (A-C | D-F | G-I | J-L | M-O | P-R | S-U | V-X | Y-Z)
Top 10 Passers: March 2017 LET Teachers Elementary Level Topnotchers
Top 10 Passers: March 2017 LET Teachers Secondary Level Topnotchers
Top Performing Schools, Performance of Schools: March 2017 LET Teachers Board Exam
Schedule of Registration, Verification of Ratings, Oath-taking: March 2017 LET Teachers Board Exam

New Ribbon Designs for Recognition Day 2017

Sample Application Letter and all requirements needed in applying for DepEd teaching positions


Sample Application Letter and all requirements needed in applying for DepEd teaching positions

You can now apply and allowed to teach in public schools even without PRC eligibility. So what are you waiting for, file your application now.

Here's a sample of Application Letter/ Letter of Intent and all requirements needed in applying for DepEd teaching positions.

Sample Application Letter for Teachers #1

Sample Letter of Intent for Applying Teaching Position

CSC Form 212 in two copies with the latest 2×2 ID picture

Omnibus Certification of Authenticity and Veracity of All Documents


Omnibus Certification of Authenticity and Veracity of Documents

DepEd Policy and Guidelines on Resolving Losses of Textbooks


Resolving Losses of Textbooks


February 10, 2012

Policy and Guidelines on the Proper Distribution, Care, Recording, Retrieval and Disposal of Textbooks with the Teacher’s (TMs) and Other Materials (IMs)

1. This DepEd Order provides the Policy and Guidelines on the Proper Distribution, Care, Recording, Retrieval and Disposal of Textbooks (TXs) with the Teacher’s Manuals (TMs) and Other Instructional Materials (IMs) in order to improve access to them, maximize their use, and minimize or eliminate damages and/or losses. It also provides guidelines on the proper recording and disposal of damaged and condemned TXs with the TMs and other IMs.
3. The principals/school heads (SHs) shall ensure that TXs with the TMs and other IMs, which are government property are properly used, cared for, safeguarded from natural and human elements and recorded.
4. The TXs with the TMs are provided to students and teachers free and are intended to be used for at least five (5) years. Therefore, it is the responsibility of every learner, teacher, and SH to exert all efforts to protect the TXs with the TMs and other IMs from damage or loss to prolong their life span.
5. All concerned DepEd officials are enjoined to strictly implement and adhere to the enclosed guidelines and procedures. Hence, any infraction of these guidelines shall be dealt with administratively.
6. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.
April 4, 2003
DepEd Order No. 25, s. 2003
Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Head, Public Elementary and Secondary Schools

Resolving Losses of Textbooks

1. This DepEd Order is intended to clarify the Department’s policies concerning loss of textbooks by students in public elementary and secondary schools. This also reiterates the policy prohibiting the imposition of fines or salary deductions to teachers for the loss of textbooks by his/her students as contained in DECS Order No. 23, s. 2001 dated May 31, 2001.
2. The following guidelines shall be followed:
2.1 For causes due to natural cause or force majeure
i. A student who has lost his/her textbook due to natural causes (i.e., typhoon, flood, earthquake), fire, theft, casualty or force majeure must write a letter informing his/her Teacher-Adviser about the loss and explaining the circumstances regarding the loss within 15 days from the occurrence of loss. The letter must be duly signed by the student’s parent or guardian.
ii. The Teacher-Adviser should furnish the School Property Custodian a copy of the student’s letter immediately to give the Custodian time to assess the validity of the cause of loss and advise the Teacher of any additional requirements to relieve him/her from accountability.
2.2 Losses arising from transfer or dropping out of students
In cases where loss of textbooks is caused by transfer or dropping out of students without returning the books and the whereabouts of said students are unknown, the Teacher-Adviser must write a letter to the School Property Custodian applying for relief from accountability citing specific reasons and providing justifications. The letter must be duty noted by the School Head.
2.3 Losses due to negligence of the student
Monetary payment shall be made by the student for textbooks lost due to negligence while in his/her custody. For lost textbooks procured under the Social Expenditure Management Project (SEMP), Third Elementary Education Project (TEEP), or Secondary Education Development and Improvement Project (SEDIP), the amount to be paid by the student will be based on the Price List of Textbooks under Different Procurement Initiatives (Annex 1). If the textbook/s was/were procured outside of SEMP/TEEP/SEDIP, the amount to be paid shall be based on the price ceiling in DECS Order No. 35, s. 2000.
However, if the lost textbook has been used for at least one year, the amount to be paid by the student will be determined by following the straight line method depreciation.
Amount to be paid = acquisition cost – depreciation amount, where
depreciation amount = acquisition cost divided by 5 (the estimated useful life of a textbook) multiplied by the number of years the lost textbook has been used.
An official receipt of payment shall be duly issued and signed by authorized officials and payment shall be remitted in the same manner as payment of other government property in accordance with COA rules and regulations.
3. Requisites for relief from accountability
3.1 Before the end of the school year, the Teacher must apply for relief from accountability over lost textbooks as described in Items 1 to 3. The application must be submitted to the School Property Custodian and the School Head, together with supporting documents pursuant to COA Memorandum No. 92751 dated February 24, 1992; as follows:
For Item 1 – A copy of the student’s letter duly signed by his/her parent or guardian and any other additional documents as may be required by the School Property Custodian
For Item 2 – A copy of the Teacher’s letter to the School Property Custodian noted by the School Head
For Item 3 – A copy of the receipt of payment issued to the student
3.2 A certificate of clearance may immediately be issued by the School Property Custodian upon receipt from the Teacher concerned of all the required documents in the application for relief from accountability, over lost textbooks as described in Items 2.1 to 2.3.
However, notwithstanding the issuance of the aforesaid clearance in cases falling under Items 1 and 2, the Teacher shall only be free of liability herefrom (if any) upon the issuance of an order of relief from accountability by the Commission on Audit.
3.3 At the end of the school year, the School Property Custodian must submit to the School Head a summary report of all the textbooks lost, including the pertinent supporting documents. A copy of this summary report must be endorsed by the School Head to the Division Office, which in turn will endorse to the resident COA of the Division for the issuance of the relief from accountability by the authorized COA officials, so that said textbooks may be dropped from the school’s accountability and records upon the issuance of an order for relief from accountability. The Regional Office must be furnished copies of the summary report endorsed by the School Head to the Division Office and the endorsement of the Division Office to the resident COA.
3.4 Any loss or damage of textbooks amounting to P10,000 or more must be reported by the School Head or Property Custodian to the Division Office and the resident COA within 30 days from the occurrence of loss.
4. Strict compliance with this Order is directed.

House moves to further postpone barangay elections to 2020


Surigao del Norte Rep. Ace Barbers filed House Bill 5359 on March 22. The measure proposes to defer the barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan elections to 2020.

Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, March 28) — Members of the House of Representatives are taking steps to postpone barangay elections anew in a bid to curb the use of illegal drug money in the polls.

Surigao del Norte Representative Ace Barbers said in a statement on Monday that House Bill 5359, "An Act Postponing the October 2017 Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections," proposed that the elections be held on May 2020 instead.

"There is a need to postpone the 2017 barangay elections to rid barangays of officials linked to illegal drug operations," Barbers said of the bill, which he filed on March 22.

"The barangay election was postponed last year for the very same reason, and obviously, we have yet to consider our communities drug-free. The drug problem begins at the grassroots level, therefore, this is where we should start cleansing," he added.

Early into his administration, President Rodrigo Duterte signed a law that moved the barangay elections from Oct. 31, 2016 to Oct. 23, 2017, saying that "drug money will seep into the electoral protest."

Duterte's administration launched a war against illegal drugs on July 1, 2016. He has claimed that 40 percent of the 42,036 barangay captains nationwide were involved in the drug trade.

Barbers' measure comes as House Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez dismissed concerns that there would not be enough time for the lower house to pass a law postponing the barangay elections and allowing Duterte to fill in the vacancies.

"Hindi po lalo na kapag na-certify as urgent ng ating Pangulo [No, especially if our President certifies it as urgent.]," Alvarez said in a radio interview.

Alvarez added that even while Congress is in recess, he has already directed his staff to prepare a draft bill so that it could be immediately filed in the House of Representatives once the sessions resume.

Alvarez said he believes the "supermajority" coalition in the House will support Duterte's proposal, saying that he has not received so far any opposition from any member of the majority.

To ensure faster deliberation and approval of the proposal, Alvarez also said he intends to talk to Department of Interior Secretary Ismael Sueno and Senate President Koko Pimentel.

An app called 'Fresent' wants to check attendance with a single photo


An app called 'Fresent' wants to check attendance with a single photo

Authored by Ateneo de Manila students, the app is an entry to a programming contest offering a total of P100,000 in prize money.

SAY CHEESE. The app is being designed to get better at identification through artificial intelligence that actively learns. Screenshot from YouTube/Aemielvin Loremia

MANILA, Philippines– A group of students from the Ateneo de Manila University conceptualized an app that might score them big points from their professors: an attendance checker.

It goes by the name "Fresent,"and it hopes to simplify the traditional roll-calling process with the use of a smartphone, its camera, and artificial intelligence. To use, a teacher merely takes a photo of the class, and the app automatically identifies who's "fresent" and who's not.

Using deep learning technology, the app's identification prowess is supposed to grow with every use. With an entire school staff using the app, the creators – known as Team Fresent – believe that the app becomes more efficient in checking attendance through time. Identification data will also supposedly be stored in an online database – a pool of collected information that allows the app to identify students more efficiently.

The app creators, in a video, said that the process of checking attendance is an "appalling chore" which takes away "valuable time from speaking, from listening, and time for learning." The app, the creators say, will be able to save a class 6 minutes that would've been wasted on a typical roll-call.

SNAPPY CHECKING. The app creators say that the app will be able to save 6 minutes of time a class usually spends on attendance checking. Screenshot from YouTube/Aemielvin Loremia

The app name appears to be a play on the common phonetic error of some Filipinos in which "p" is pronounced with the "f" sound.
The app is an entry in the local programming contest "Hackzilla In Manila 2" by freelance job-postings website Freelancer.com. It is one of the 10 finalists.

DepEd INSET, sapat na para sa CPD units


Good News Teachers!
DepEd INSETS, sapat na para sa CPD units! Libre na ang CPD para sa mga public school teachers!
Tagumpay ang hanay ng mga guro at propesyunal, kikilalain ang lahat ng in service trainings ng mga ahensiya ng gobyerno at wala nang babayaran ang mga propesyonal para sa CPD!

Adjusted Personal Data Sheet Version 2 (CSC Form 212 Revised 2017)


Adjusted Personal Data Sheet Version 2 
(CSC Form 212 Revised 2017)
Revised April 5, 2017
credits: JonPol

What's new!
Original version - fits 8.5 x 14 inches
Adjusted version - fits 8.5 x 13 inches

Original version - needs formatting to fit printer
Adjusted version - auto format to fit any printer


BIR reminds taxpayers of April 17 deadline


BIR reminds taxpayers of April 17 deadline

The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) reminded taxpayers to file their 2016 income tax returns (ITR) on or before the April 17 deadline, according to a report by GMA News'"News to Go" on Friday.

The yearly deadline for ITR filling is actually on April 15, however, the bureau moved the date because it falls on Black Saturday, a special non-working holiday, this year.

According to the BIR, penalties such as a 25 percent surcharge will be imposed on those who fail to meet the deadline. To accommodate last-minute taxpayers, the bureau is setting up more filing centers.

Eighty percent of government revenue comes from BIR tax collection that it is important to pay the right amount of taxes, the bureau said. — Ted Cordero/VDS, GMA News

Complete Set of Editable KRA cover for RPMS - IPCRF


Complete Set of Editable KRA covers for RPMS
Lay-out and designed by Jinno Grande

The LINKs of these documents were originally shared by the author at deped tambayan fb group.


DROPBOX (Direct links by Sir Jinno Grande)

    Samples of IPCRF   - DOWNLOAD
    (For Teacher 1-3, Master Teacher 1-2, Head Teachers)

    (For Teacher 1-3)

    (For Teacher 1-3)

    NEW! Sample of IPCRF - DOWNLOAD
    (For Teacher 1-3)

    Brigada Eskwela 2017 Resources (Complete Forms, Assessment Forms, Work Plan, Accomplishment Reports)

    New Curriculum Guides for Kinder to Grade 12 for SY 2017-2018 (Complete Subjects, All Grade Levels, updated May 2016)


    New Curriculum Guides for Kinder to Grade 12 
    for SY 2017-2018 
    (Complete Subjects, All Grade Levels, updated May 2016)
    Senior High School CGs - DOWNLOAD

    New Curriculum Guides for Grade 6 for SY 2017-2018


    New Curriculum Guides for Grade 6 for SY 2017-2018 
    (Complete Subjects, All Grade Levels, updated May 2016)


    Senior High School CGs - DOWNLOAD

    Official Presentation for clarification: Features and Guidelines in Filling up the DepEd Official Form 137 (Print-Out and Electronic Copy)


    Official Presentation for Clarification:
    Features and Guidelines in Filling up the DepEd Official Form 137 (Print-Out and Electronic Copy)


    Form 137 for SHS - DOWNLOAD
    E-Class Record for SHS - DOWNLOAD
    Form 138 for SHS - DOWNLOAD
    Form 137 and 138 for Elem - DOWNLOAD
    Form 137 and 138 for JHS - DOWNLOAD

    Accomplished IPCRF (Part I-IV) with Supporting Forms


    Guide to filling out the Personal Data Sheet (PDS) (Revised CSC Form 212 2017)


    Text Box: Warning: Any misrepresentation made in the Personal Data Sheet and the Work Experience Sheet shall cause the filing of administrative/criminal case/s against the person concerned.

    Please fill out each of the fields in the PDS when applicable.

    ·       The PDS may be accomplished using the MS Word format or MS Excel format.

    ·       In the MS Excel format, all the tick boxes will automatically be marked once clicked.

    ·       The PDS must bear the signature of the employee and date of accomplishment at the bottom of every page.

    ·       Entries in the PDS may be filled out through handwriting or via typewriter/computer.  If handwritten, entries should be in block capital (e.g. PRINT) format using a pen. 

    ·       All information should be provided accurately.

    ·       Do not leave blank entries.  Put N/A if not applicable.
    ·       For purposes of application to a vacant position, the additional sheet for work experience should be accomplished.

    I.                 Personal Information

    ·       Employee’s name is to be filled out in the following format:  surname, first name, name extension (if any), middle name.  A space is allotted for each character or letter in the name.
    ·       Dates are in numeric format: mm/dd/yyyy
    ·       Specifics should be given to “Others” response in the civil status field.
    ·       Agency employee number refers to employee ID number in the current agency.
    ·       For holders of foreign/dual citizenship, please select from the dropdown list the foreign country where you were born/naturalized or type/write the same in the space provided therein.

    II.                         Family Background

    ·       Names of spouse and parents are to be filled out the following format: surname, first name, name extension (if any), middle name.
    ·       Mother’s name is her maiden name, or name when she was single or before marriage.
    ·       List full names (first name and surname) of ALL your children.
    ·       Date of birth is in numeric format: mm/dd/yyyy

    III.                       Educational Background

    ·       Indicate FULL name of schools.  DO NOT ABBREVIATE.
    ·       For Elementary Level, indicate PRIMARY EDUCATION if graduated
    ·       For Secondary Level, indicate HIGH SCHOOL if graduated under the old curriculum; or JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL or SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL if graduated under the K-12 curriculum.
    ·       Indicate in FULL all courses taken in college (e.g. ASSOCIATE IN ARTS, AB ECONOMICS, BS PSYCHOLOGY, MA IN HISTORY).
    ·       Indicate all masters or doctorate degrees taken.
    ·       If graduated for every level, indicate year of graduation.
    ·       If not graduated in any level, indicate the highest grade, level or units earned.
    ·       Period of attendance are stated in school years (e.g. 1992-1996)
    ·       Indicate any scholarship and/or academic honors received in each level.

    IV.                      Civil Service Eligibility

    ·       Indicate all civil service eligibilities earned with corresponding rating, date and place of examination/conferment.


    Career Service Sub-Professional       EO132/790 – Veteran Preference Rating
    Career Service Professional              PD 907 – Honor Graduate
    Career Service Executive                  RA 7883 – Barangay Health Worker
    Stenographer                                   Barangay Official
    PD 997 – Scientific and Technological Specialist

    ·       If earned eligibility entails a license (RA 1080), indicate the license number and its date of validity.

    V.                        Work Experience

    ·       Indicate all positions held both in the public and private employment starting from current work.

    ·       Inclusive dates are indicated in numeric format: mm/dd/yyyy.
    ·       Indicate FULL position titles and COMPLETE NAME of department/agency/office/company.  DO NOT ABBREVIATE.
    ·       Indicate monthly salary in figures (e.g. P21,877).
    ·       Salary grade and salary step, if applicable, should be stated in the format ”00-0” (e.g. 24-2, 24 for salary grade, 2 for salary step)
    ·       Indicate status of employment (e.g. permanent, temporary, casual, contractual)
    ·       Indicate “yes” under government service if position held is in the public or government employment or “no” if held in the private employment.
    ·       Additional sheet for work experience should be accomplished and submitted together with the PDS in case of application to a vacant position. This should be accomplished only for work experience relevant to the position being applied to.

    VI.            Voluntary Work or Involvement in Civic/Non-Government/People/ Voluntary Organizations

    ·       Indicate the FULL name and address of the organization where involved as voluntary worker.
    ·       Inclusive dates, start (from) and end (to) should be in numeric format: mm/dd/yyyy.
    ·       Indicate the number of hours of voluntary work rendered.
    ·       Indicate the position/nature of voluntary work rendered.

    VII.          Learning and Development Interventions

    ·       Indicate FULL titles of learning and development (L&D) interventions attended during employment.  Indicate list from the most recent L&D.
    ·       Inclusive dates of attendance, start (from) and end (to) should be in numeric format: mm/dd/yyyy.
    ·       Indicate the number of hours attended for program.
    ·       Indicate the type of L&D intervention (e.g. managerial, supervisory, technical).
    ·       Indicate the FULL name of institution/agency that conducted or sponsored the program.  DO NOT ABBREVIATE.  (e.g. CSC should be Civil Service Commission).
    VIII.        Other Information

    ·       Indicate special skills /hobbies.
    ·       Indicate in FULL non-academic distinctions/recognition (awards received)
    ·       Indicate membership in any professional association/organization by writing in FULL said association/organization.

    # 34-40

    ·       Indicate response to questions 34 to 40 on the right side of the sheet.
    ·       Provide details or specifications for any yes response.

    # 41

    ·       Indicate the FULL name of references with the format FIRST NAME, MI, SURNAME, their addresses and respective telephone numbers.

    # 42

    ·       As agreement to and for completion of the PDS, the employee’s signature and right thumb mark should be affixed in the boxes provided.  Indicate also the government ID number and date of issuance in the boxes provided.  Lastly, attach a RECENT PASSPORT SIZE (4.5 cm. x 3.5 cm.) picture with COMPLETE AND HANDWRITTEN NAME TAG and SIGNATURE OVER PRINTED NAME. Picture must be taken within the last six (6) months. Computer generated or photocopied picture is not acceptable
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