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Samples of Finalized RPMS Accomplishment Journal, IPCRF and OPCRF


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You must be a member of DEPED TAMBAYAN FACEBOOK GROUP to have an access of this FILE. 

If you are not a member yet, PLEASE JOIN US HERE before you click download to avoid inconvenience.  


Here are samples of finalized RPMS Accomplishment Journal that may serve as your basis in finalizing your RPMS - IPCRF. Included also are samples of IPCRF for Teachers and OPCRF for Head Teachers and Principals. Please use these for reference only.


Compilation of Finalized IPCRF - RPMS for Teachers


Here's a compilation of all the IPCRF for RPMS for Teachers uploaded by members of Deped Tambayan Facebook Group. 

Download all and use as basis in accomplishing your own, too. After you are done you may upload it also to the group and your work will be shared here also.




The admin and his writers do not claim ownership on the documents/photos/videos posted on our site, yet we personalize our contents or articles to give relevant and quality issues. 

Any item on our posts which may have unintentionally breached your copyright, please contact us immediately. We will take appropriate action to correct any inaccuracies or remove materials which are found to be inappropriate. You may contact us via e-mail at depedtambayan@gmail.com, and all your copyrighted works will be taken down as soon as possible.Thanks for understanding. 

You must be a member of DEPED TAMBAYAN FACEBOOK GROUP to have an access of this FILE. 

If you are not a member yet, PLEASE JOIN US HERE before you click download to avoid inconvenience.  

Clarification on the Conduct of Summer Classes for SY 2015-2016


Regional Directors
Clarification on the Conduct of Summer Classes for SY 2015-2016

Date: April 8, 2016
1. In relation to the conduct of summer classes for SY 2015-2016, the implementing guidelines of DepEd Order No. 13, s. 2005 entitled 2005 BEC-Based Summer Classes shall apply.

2.  However, pursuant to the implementation of the K to 12 Basic Education Program, this Office issues the following provisionary guidelines:
2.1. Only those learners in public schools with one or two failing Final Grades in any Iearning area shall be required to attend summer classes.
2.2. Summer classes shall be conducted for Grades 1 to 12 from Monday to Friday. Schools shall conduct summer classes within the period from April 11 to May 21, 2016 as per DepEd Order No. 9. s. 2015 entitled School Calendar for School Year (SY) 2015-2016.
2.3. Learners who will take summer classes should undergo formative and summative assessment. As per DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015 entitled Policy Guidelines on Classroom Assessment for the K to 12 Basic Education Program, the average of the Final Grade and the Remedial Class Mark (RCM) is the Recomputed Final Grade (RFG). They are expected to obtain a RFG of at least 75 or higher before being promoted to the next grade level. However, learners will be retained in the grade level if their RFG is below 75.

  The teacher of the summer class submits the Certificate of Recomputed Final Grade, which is noted by the School Head, to the Schools Division Office for attachment to both the Form No. 137 and the School Form No. 5. The teacher is advised to use the Certificate of Recomputed Final Grade found in page 19 of DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015.

3. The daily time allotment of the following learning areas from Monday to Friday is as follows:

Grades 1 to 3
Grades 4 to 6
Grades 7 to 10
Mother Tongue
2 Hours

2 Hours
4 Hours
4 Hours
2 Hours
4 Hours
4 Hours
2 Hours
4 Hours
4 Hours
2 Hours
4 Hours
4 Hours
Araling Panlipunan

1.5 Hours
3 Hours
3 Hours
2 Hours
4 Hours
4 Hours
1.5 Hours
3 Hours
4 Hours
I .5 Hours
3 Hours
3 Hours

3.1.   For Grades I to 3 learners, the time allotted for the summer classes should include interactive and engaging activities throughout the session. Lectures and extensive writing activities should be avoided when teaching learners in the early grades.
3.2.   For Grades 5 and 6 learners following the Basic Education Curriculum (BEC), the time allotment for learning areas is four (4) hours daily.
3.3.   In the case of early implementers of Senior High School (SHS), two (2) hours is allotted for any learning area per day for the SY 2015-2016 Summer Class.
4.     For inquiries, please contact the Bureau of Learning Delivery (BLD) at telephone numbers (02) 633-9347 or (02) 637-4346.

Classes for SY 2016-2017 will start June 13


Start of classes for SY 2016-2017 will be on June 13, 2016 as stated in DM 53, s2016.  

In  commemoration  of  the  118th  Celebration  of  Philippine Independence Day, the Department of Education (DepEd), through the  Bureau  of  Education Assessment  (BEA)  formerly  National Education Testing and Research Center (NETRC), together with the assistance  of  personnel  from schools  division offices  (SDOs)  and schools,  shall  administer  the  2016  Special  Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT) for free in all schools divisions nationwide. The conduct of the test will be on June 19 instead of June 12 due to the START OF CLASSES ON JUNE 13, 2016

CS Form 86 - Health Examination Record


Deped Memorandum No. 22, s 2015


Assistant Secretaries
Bureau Directors
Directors of Services, Centers and Heads of Units Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Heads, Public Elementary and Secondary Schools All Others Concerned

  1. All Department of Education (DepEd) teaching and non-teaching personnel shall undergo annual physical examination in compliance with the Civil Service Commission Memorandum Circular No. 17, s. 1989.
  2. Chest X-ray and laboratory examinations shall only be done as recommended by the physician.
  3. Teachers' Annual Health Examination Form 86 may be filled out by the DepEd Medical Officer, Tamang Serbisyong Kalusugang Pampamilya (TSEKAP) Service Provider Medical Officer or any government-licensed physician. All DepEd teaching and non-teaching personnel are encouraged to avail of the TSEKAP formerly known as the Primary Health Care Benefit 1 (PCBI) Package.
  4. To avail of the TSEKAP services, teachers must visit their assigned service provider for enlistment. Profiling of medical history will then be done to determine the needed physical examination. All concerned may refer to DepEd Memorandum No. 30, s. 2014 entitled Expansion of Phill-lealth Primary Care Benefit 1 (PCBI) Package to cover Personnel of the Department of Education.
  5. The teachers' annual health clearance shall be based on the filled out Form 86 or its equivalent health clearance certificates provided by the TSEKAP physician.
  6. This Memorandum shall rescind the statement in Item 3B, Paragraph 2 of DepEd Order No. 44, s. 2004 entitled Strengthening DepEd's TB Prevention and Control Program Through Adoption of the Comprehensive and Unified Policy on TB Control in the Philippines (CUPTBCP) requiring Chest X-ray in the Teachers Annual Health Clearance.
  7. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired.

DO 23, s. 2016 - School Calendar for School Year 2016-2017


Photo by DepEd Philippines

April 22, 2016
DO 23, s. 2016
School Calendar for School Year 2016-2017
To:     Undersecretaries
          Assistant Secretaries
          Bureau and Service Directors
          Regional Directors
          Schools Division Superintendents
          Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools Heads
          All Others Concerned
  1. The School Calendar for School Year (SY) 2016-2017 shows the school events and activities for the said SY. The core events and activities for this SY, which represent the actual teaching-learning days, shall be strictly observed in all schools.
  2. The SY 2016-2017 shall begin on Monday, June 13, 2016 and shall end on Friday, April 7, 2017. The SY will consist of 202 school days, inclusive of the five-day In-Service Training (INSET) break. The different school events and other activities for learners, including the regular and special non-working holidays, are contained in Enclosure No. 1.
  3. Private schools may deviate from this School Calendar. However, they may not start classes earlier than the first Monday of June and not later than the last day of August, as provided for in Republic Act No. 7797 entitled An Act to Lengthen the School Calendar from Two Hundred (200) Days to Not More than Two Hundred Twenty (220) Class Days. They should notify their respective regional offices (ROs) in advance regarding any deviation.
  4. Specific guidelines are found in Enclosure 2 to enable the schools to effectively and efficiently conduct school events and activities, and to allow the ROs and schools division offices (SDOs) to provide support to the schools, especially in the areas of instruction, and progress monitoring and evaluation.
  5. Activities and observances mandated by law can be found in Enclosure 3 while events and activities which pertain to DepEd personnel are listed in Enclosure 4. Schools may observe national and local celebrations/activities and  holidays other than those indicated in Enclosure 3, provided that the total number of school days shall not be compromised.
  6. Make-up classes can therefore be conducted to compensate for the school days spent for activities deemed beneficial to the teaching-learning process. Likewise, make-up classes are recommended in lieu of class cancellations due to occurrence of natural and man-made calamities. A mechanism for having make-up classes must be agreed upon by the school administrators and parents. In this regard, the RO may issue a regional school calendar to reflect their respective concerns.
  7. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.


Encls.: As stated

Reference: DepEd Order No. 9, s. 2015

Enhanced School Improvement Planning (SIP) Guide and Annexes (Editable Templates)


Sample of Enhanced School Improvement Planning (SIP) Process and the School Report Card (SRC)


With Special Thanks to Sir EmRo Young for uploading these files in Deped Tambayan FB Group

Guide on how to find and download all what you need from our site.
> Click on the link of the file you want to download .Close all pop-ads that appear except adfly. 
> Click the link again then wait 5 seconds then click "Skip Ad" and then the FILE will be shown and ready to download. . (important: have patience)
> Click download icon, the one that looks like arrow down

The admin and his writers do not claim ownership on the documents/photos/videos posted on our site, yet we personalize our contents or articles to give relevant and quality issues. 

Any item on our posts which may have unintentionally breached your copyright, please contact us immediately. We will take appropriate action to correct any inaccuracies or remove materials which are found to be inappropriate. You may contact us via e-mail at depedtambayan@gmail.com, and all your copyrighted works will be taken down as soon as possible.Thanks for understanding. 


DO 44, s. 2015 - Guidelines on the Enhanced School Improvement Planning (SIP) Process and the School Report Card (SRC)

September 29, 2015
DO 44, s. 2015
Guidelines on the Enhanced School Improvement Planning (SIP) Process and the School Report Card (SRC)
To :    Undersecretaries
          Assistant Secretaries
          Bureau Directors
          Directors of Services, Centers and Heads of Units
          Regional Directors
          Schools Division Superintendents
          Heads, Public Elementary and Secondary Schools
          All Others Concerned

  1. Pursuant to Republic Act No. 9155 known as Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001, this policy aims to strengthen School-Based Management (SBM) by further devolving the governance of education to schools, empowering school teams and personnel, expanding community participation and involvement, and making the delivery of education services to the learners more responsive, efficient, and effective through an enhanced school planning and communication process.
  2. The School Improvement Plan (SIP) is a roadmap that lays down specific interventions that a school, with the help of the community and other stakeholders, will undertake within a period of three consecutive school years. The implementation of development activities integral to it are in the school such as projects under the Continuous Improvement Program (CIP), the creation and mobilization of Learning Action Cells (LACs), and the preparation of the School Report Card (SRC). SIP seeks to provide those involved in school planning an evidence-based, systematic approach with the point of view of the learner as the starting point. Ultimately, it is envisioned to help schools reach the goal of providing access to quality education.
  3. The SRC is a tool for advocating and communicating the school situation, context, and performance to internal and external stakeholders. Its objective is to increase the participation and involvement of the community and other stakeholders in making the school a better place for learning.
  4. The School Improvement Plan (SIP) Guidebook is provided which details the procedure in preparing the enhanced SIP and SRC. The enclosed guidelines and the Guidebook shall serve as the official reference in the preparation and implementation of the SIP and SRC. Concerned offices, local government units (LGUs), and development partners are urged to conform to these guidelines as they implement projects and activities related to school planning in DepEd schools.
  5. Schools shall begin a new SIP cycle using the enhanced planning process in these guidelines by January 2016 (the start of the SIP cycle).  The regional offices (ROs) and schools division offices (SDOs) are expected to create support mechanisms for the schools and to orient them before January 2016. Schools are asked to begin using the SIP Guidebook to update their current Annual Improvement Plan (AIP) and to create the SRC.
  6. The participation and involvement of the school head, teachers, and staff in the planning and implementation of the SIP and SRC may be included in the Results-Based Performance Management System (RPMS) as performance objectives under corresponding Key Result Areas. It can be incorporated in the Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF) of teachers and staff or in the Office Performance Commitment and Review Form (OPCRF) of the school head.
  7. Planning and implementation of school improvement projects that address problems related to the teaching-learning processes should involve the members of the school’s LACs. In the same way, activities of LACs should be aligned to the SIP or AIP. LAC members may also include reports of their activities in the SRC.
  8. By virtue of this Order, this Department authorizes the conduct of activities related to the preparation and implementation of the SIP and SRC. Concerned offices and development partners should align their training programs and activities to these guidelines.  The training design and learning package should be according to the training program standards set by the National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP). The NEAP, through its ROs, is tasked to ensure the quality of these trainings.
  9. All existing Orders and Memoranda inconsistent with this Order are rescinded. These guidelines shall remain in effect, unless sooner repealed, amended, or rescinded.
  10. For more information and inquiries, all concerned may contact the Chief, School Effectiveness Division-Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational Development – (SED-BHROD), Department of Education (DepEd) Central Office, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City at telephone no.: (02) 633-7257 or through email address bhrod.sed@deped.gov.ph.
  11. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.
Encls.: As stated
Reference: DepEd Order No. 23, s. 2015

Curriculum Guides for Senior High School Core Curriculum Subjects


Curriculum Guides for SHS Academic Track Subjects


Academic Track

Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) Strand
  1. Applied Economics
  2. Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
  3. Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management 1
  4. Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management 2
  5. Business Math
  6. Business Finance
  7. Organization and Management
  8. Principles of Marketing
  9. Work Immersion/Research/Career Advocacy/Culminating Activity i.e. Business Enterprise Simulation
Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) Strand
  1. Creative Writing / Malikhaing Pagsulat
  2. Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems
  3. Creative Nonfiction
  4. Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Culture
  5. Philippine Politics and Governance
  6. Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship
  7. Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences
  8. Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences
  9. Work Immersion/Research/Career Advocacy/Culminating Activity
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Strand
  1. Pre-Calculus
  2. Basic Calculus
  3. General Biology 1
  4. General Biology 2
  5. General Physics 1
  6. General Physics 2
  7. General Chemistry 1 and 2
  8. Work Immersion/Research/Career Advocacy/Culminating Activity
General Academic Strand
  1. Humanities 1*
  2. Humanities 2*
  3. Social Science 1**
  4. Applied Economics
  5. Organization and Management
  6. Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction
  7. Elective 1 (from any Track/Strand)***
  8. Elective 2 (from any Track/Strand)***
*Select from HUMSS Strand Subjects 1 to 4.
**Select from HUMSS Strand Subjects 5 to 8.
***Schools must present/offer a range of subjects from which students can choose.

SOURCE: www.deped.gov.ph

Set of Teacher's Guide & Learner's Material for All Grades (New Links)


Download Complete Set of TG & LM for All Grades

Download Set of K-12 Kindergarten Materials
Download Set of K-12 Grade 1 TG and LM 
Download Set of K-12 Grade 2 TG and LM 
Download Set of K-12 Grade 3 TG and LM
Download Set of K-12 Grade 4 TG and LM
Download Set of K-12 Grade 5 TG and LM
Download Set of K-12 Grade 7 TG and LM
Download Set of K-12 Grade 8 TG and LM 
Download Set of K-12 Grade 9 TG and LM
Download Set of K-12 Grade 10 TG and LM
Download Set of K-12 Grade 11 TG and LM

Download Set of K-12 Grade 7 TLE TG and LM
Download Set of K-12 Grade 8 TLE TG and LM 
Download Set of K-12 Grade 9 TLE TG and LM
Download Set of K-12 Grade 10 TLE TG and LM

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Guide on how to find and download all what you need from our site.
> Click on the link of the file you want to download .Close all pop-ads that appear except adfly. 
> Wait 5 seconds then click "Skip Ad" and then the FILE will be shown and ready to download. . (important: have patience)
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The admin and his writers do not claim ownership on the documents/photos/videos posted on our site, yet we personalize our contents or articles to give relevant and quality issues. 

Any item on our posts which may have unintentionally breached your copyright, please contact us immediately. We will take appropriate action to correct any inaccuracies or remove materials which are found to be inappropriate. You may contact us via e-mail at depedtambayanph@gmail.com, and all your copyrighted works will be taken down as soon as possible.Thanks for understanding. 


LIKE & SHARE this page DEPED TAMBAYAN to get the latest posts and updates about k-12 Materials you can use and share.. LIKE & SHARE this page DEPED TAMBAYAN to get the latest posts and updates about k-12 Materials you can use and share..

High Quality Ready to Print Alphabet with Pictures

Writing Letters A-Z Worksheets


Writing Letters A-Z Worksheets

This activity will help your learners develop their writing skills,  enrich their vocabulary, count objects and perform different activities.

For the complete set of worksheets from A-Z with uppercase and lowercase letters  you can download this >> Writing letters A-Z 

For the complete set of worksheets from A-Z with uppercase and lowercase letters  you can download this >> Writing letters A-Z 

credits to teachermarjpage.com

Writing Numbers 1-10 Worksheets


Write Numbers 1-10 Worksheets

If you need worksheets for your kindergarteners to practice their writing skills that focuses on numbers. You might want to use these worksheets. 
Download the file on the link below. 

NEW! Curriculum Guides for Grade 5 All Subjects


Curriculum Guides for Grade 5 All Subjects


Guide on how to download
> Click on the link of the file you want to download .Close all pop-ads that appear except adfly. 
> Click the link again and wait 5 seconds then click "Skip Ad" on the upper right and then the FILE will be shown and ready to download. . (important: have patience)
> Click download icon, the one that looks like arrow down

My Storybook (Small Books & Big Books Collection)


Download these printable Instructional Materials to develop the reading abilities of your pupils. 

All stories were uploaded by Maria Cecilia Gumaroy Puertollano at Deped Tambayan Facebook Group

With special thanks for her effort in lay-outing these stories.



High Quality Display Bulletin for Grade 4 (1st - 4th Quarter)

Ready to Print Big Books with PowerPoint Presentation

Ready to Print Big Books with PowerPoint Presentation
credits to authors found in each story

An Akon Pamilya    
Ang Hardin Ni Hannah
Si Balaraw              
Ang Tabanog                    
Ang Kanding Ni Pedro                  .
Si Lito              
Ang Lima ka Managsuon             
Si Boboy ug Dodoy              
Ang Sista ni Sisa            
Ang Sapatos            
Si Susan               
Ang Sinilas ni Nida               
Si Lando
Si Kokoy
Ang Bitoon
Si Leny             
Ang Iring              
Ang Pati ni Pipo             
Nagkita Na Gayod              
Nagkita Na Gayod       

The Lion and the Mouse     
The Little Rose Plant                 
Article: small size big sound 
How to Write a Book 
The Honest Woodman 
Getting the Main Idea
Are You My Mother?    
Main Idea
Nature's Way          
How to Use the Library 

R2 Nueva Vizcaya                 
MISOSA Mga Bahagi ng Aklat  
PRODED Mga Bahagi ng Aklat
Panginip ni Miko

Ang Esmagol     
Ang Pahabok                   
Ang Hardin Ni Clara                    
Si Ana         
Ang Sapatos        .

An Karabao ni Isko
Nagkita Na Gayod: Tiaw Lang






Grammar Practice for Elementary Students (New Edition)


Grammar Practice for Elementary Students (New Edition)

The popular Grammar Practice for Elementary Students series has been thoroughly revised and updated. With a focus context and communication the THIRD EDITION helps learners make the leap from practice to production more easily.


Comelec reminds voters: No selfies with ballots

Photo credits: http://www.makeuseof.com

Taking a selfie with your ballot? Think again, you might end up committing an election offense.

The Commission on Elections (Comelec) on Wednesday said it will investigate cases of overseas voters who took selfies with their ballots.
Commissioner Arthur Lim said the poll body has recorded nine cases of voters taking selfies with ballots in Singapore, Dubai, Hong Kong, Brunei, Vientienne Laos and Madrid.
  • COMELEC reminds voters that they are not allowed to take selfies with their ballots 
  • Taking photographs or any copy of one’s ballots is strictly prohibited by election rules 
  • Voters are also reminded to properly mark their ballots, avoiding “no-write zones” of the paper

The Commission on Elections (COMELEC) reminded the public that voters are not allowed to take selfies with their ballots on Election Day, this coming May 9.
The poll body said this is in  accordance to rules which prohibit the reproduction or making a copy of one’s ballot. This is to ensure the protection of the vote.
“A photograph is a copy,” COMELEC spokesperson James Jimenez explained to GMA News.
Voters are also encouraged to report incidents of vote-buying and other forms of electioneering, which the COMELEC lamented have occurred in the past and are anticipated to be repeated during the upcoming national and local elections.
In addition, the poll body also reminded the voting public of how to properly fill out the ballot based on their experience in the last two elections, which saw a number of cases of rejected ballots due to improper handling by the voters themselves Jimenez pointed out that the improper marking of the ballot was found to be the most common problem that emerged during the previous elections.
Thus, voters are advised not to mark the so-called “no-write zones” on the ballot paper itself.
“Ang balota natin mayroon siyang mga no-write zones, mga parte ng balota na pag sinulatan di na bibilangin. Ituturing siyang fake ng makina. [Our ballots have no-write zone, or part of the ballot that, when written on, can no longer be counted. They would be considered fake by the machine],” he explained further.
Around 90 percent of ballot rejections are due to voters mistakenly marking the no-write zones. Another common case involves ballots getting wrinkled due to careless handling.
The COMELEC, however, says that should a ballot end up wrinkled, the paper should be re-fed into the machine in four diöerent orientations; similar to how it is done with vendo machines.
The poll body has been intensifying its voter education drive as Election Day draws closer.


Public Schools Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) FY 2016

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