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CSC: Liking and sharing a candidate or party's account is not prohibited


Gov't employees reminded: You can't campaign for candidates, even on FB

Government employees are barred from campaigning for or against particular candidates — even on social media — but are free to share personal political views.

These provisions are part of a joint circular issued by the Commission on Elections and the Civil Service Commission for the May polls, which was signed by Comelec Chairman Andres Bautista and CSC chairperson Alicia dela Rosa-Bala on Tuesday.

"It's very clear, 'di ba, sabi niya (circular), even if you follow a candidate's account, [puwede] unless these are resorted to a means to solicit support for or against a candidate or party during the campaign period," Dela Rosa-Bala said.

She added: "Kung sabihin [mo] kung sino ang iboboto [mo], that's not covered because that's part of your expression of your choice for the positions being voted for... 'Pag sinabi mong 'I'm voting for Candidate X,' that's not part of the coverage. [Pero iba] if you're asking, 'Please vote for the candidate I'm voting for.'"

Government employees are allowed "social media functions such as liking, commenting, sharing, reposting, or following a candidate or party's account" provided that they do not "directly or indirectly" campaign for their preferred candidates.

They are also allowed to express their views on current political problems or issues, as well as mention the name of the candidates or parties they support.

Partisan political activities

In a bid for "political neutrality" during election season, however, civil servants are prohibited from certain activities, which include forming groups and holding assemblies to solicit votes or campaigning.

They are not allowed to take part in political conventions, nor be a "consistent presence" in political rallies, caucuses, or be identified with candidates or political parties. They are also not allowed to distribute letters "indicating intention to run for public office."

Government employees are also not allowed to receive contributions for political purposes, nor give personal, financial, or other monetary contribution for a candidate or party's campaign. 

They are also not allowed to wear shirts, pins, caps, or other similar paraphernalia to support a candidate or a party, or serve as watchers on election day.

Moreover, they are prohibited from utilizing government resources such as personnel, time, properties for campaigning.

The violations committed by government employees may be seen as an administrative offense under the CSC and as election offense under Comelec. 

The penalties range from suspension to dismissal, imprisonment, disqualification from public office, and "deprivation of right to vote."

Elected officials, political appointees exempted

Prohibitions on electioneering and partisan political activities cover members of the civil service in all branches of government, including government owned or controlled corporations (GOCCs), and state universities and colleges whether their appointments are permanent, temporary, contractual, or even casual.

Career officers holding political offices in an acting capacity, uniformed and active members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the Philippine National Police (PNP) are also barred from partisan politics.
Employees who are on leave are still covered by the circular.

The limitations, however, do not apply to elected officials—except those at the barangay level—as well as political appointees, which includes the President and the Vice President, Cabinet officials, members of Congress, and local elective officials, their personal and confidential staff  and members of the AFP's reserve corps. — BAP/JST, GMA News


Curriculum Guides for Kindergarten to Grade 10 All Subjects


Curriculum Guides for Grade 1 to 10 All Subjects


Guide on how to download
> Click on the link of the file you want to download .Close all pop-ads that appear except adfly. 
> Click the link again and wait 5 seconds then click "Skip Ad" on the upper right and then the FILE will be shown and ready to download. . (important: have patience)
> Click download icon, the one that looks like arrow down

Free LET Professional Reviewer w/ Answer Keys


Free LET Professional Reviewer w/ Answer Keys + Compiled Questions

Want to get a review  for  LET or Licensure Exam for Teachers but you're in tight budget or no time for  review class? No worries, your best option is to have a self review from resources online.
By the help of our friends, we're able to compiled a handy review materials for LET that you can easily download using your computer and start your review plan. These files can be uploaded as well in your mobile devices that supports pdf format so you'll have a portable reviewer, acessible anytime you want.
Note, that some of these materials are already oldie but still very useful to help you get prepared in your exam. Download now and have fun!

Download Link(s) HERE


Newly Released Principals' Test (NQESH) 2015 Complete Reviewer

National Qualifying Examination for School Heads (NQESH) Reviewer 

The 2015 Principals' Test has been rescheduled from September 27, 2015 to October 25, 2015 (Sunday). The National Educators Academy of the Philippines will administer the examination in 3 hours only from 9 a.m. to 12 noon.
The revised examination will cover 200 multiple choice items anchored on the role of a school head as stipulated in the National Competency-Based Standards for School Heads (NCBSSH) & 21st Century Managerial Skills.
The 19,372 registered test takers must bring two pencils (no. 2), test permit with receipt and valid DepEd I.D. Test takers are expected to be in the testing venue before 8:30 a.m. The list of testing centers and number of examinees is disseminated in the schools division offices.
For queries and concerns, test takers may directly contact their respective regional offices. Updates will also be posted in the official social media account of NEAP.
The Principal’s Test 2015 (NQESH) will cover the following topics anchored on DepEd Order No. 32, s. 2010 entitled National Adoption and Implementation of the National Competency-Based Standards for School Heads and Enhanced Basic Education Program:
All Reviewers posted above came from: Sir Erich David Garcia, Ed. D.

Current Issues/Topics:
1. Senior High School
17. Fiscal Management (Rules and Budget Preparation)
18. School Discipline Rules and Procedures
19. NQESH Notes and Technical Terms
20. Revised Guidelines on the Transfer of Teachers from One Station to Another
21. Guidelines on the Allocation/Deployment of New Teaching and Non Teaching Positions

Sample Test

RPMS Scoring Guide for Teachers

Download Templates and Samples of E-tool for SHS Staffing


Sample Electronic Class Program for SHS Staffing

To ensure the full implementation of Senior High School (SHS) Program in June 2016, the Department of Education (DepEd) introduced the use of SHS E-Tool to selected principals, planning officers, SHS coordinators and Information Technology Officers (ITOs) in the different Regional Offices in the country.

The e-tool is designed for the schools’ need to maximize and optimize their SHS staffing. As one of the milestone in the enhancement of the said e-tool, it will benefit primarily the school heads in class programming, assessment of the required number of teachers for SHS, determining the kind of teachers that will be required per track and other salient features inclined in this tool.

The participants presented their action plans and outputs using the SHS e-tool and they are expected to schedule and organize the SHS E-Tool Roll-out to their respective schools jurisdiction.
Please coordinate with your Schools Division Offices for the Roll-Out Schedule.

DOWNLOAD Samples of Electronics Class Program for SHS Staffing

e-Class Program for SHS Templates
 e-Class Program for SHS Sample

Credits to Deped Bohol

Infographics: Step by Step Procedure In Renewing PRC License Online



Step by Step Procedure In Renewing PRC License Online

1. Register at https://www.prc-online.com/ . You must have a valid e-mail address before you proceed. 
2. Activate your account. Check your e-mail to verify your account.

3. Sign in using your registered e-mail address.

4. Accomplish this form

5. Save information then select transaction. Take note of the following important reminder.

6. Select RENEWAL. Tick on the drop down arrow and select Professional Teacher. Click PROCEED.
7. Pay for the corresponding fee at the Payment Counter.
  • Banks (Over the Counter) -  BDO, Metrobank, BPI, Landbank, RCBC, Chinabank, Eastwest Bank, Union Bank, Security Bank, PNB, DBP, and more… 
  • Banks (Online) – BDO Internet Banking, BPI Express Online, Chinabank Online, Metrobank Direct, RCBC Access One, Union Bank EON/Internet Banking & UCBP Connect 
  • Mobile Payment – GCash
  • Bayad Center – LBC, Robinsons, eBiz, Petnet, Walter Mart, MailMore, Palawan Pawnshop, Villarica Pawnshop

Secure a copy of your Reference number and the amount to pay by printing it or writing it down on a piece of paper. Pay this amount on or before the the deadline of your transaction.

8. You are now ready to visit your chosen PRC Branch to claim your license. Bring the copy of your old PRC ID, other valid IDs available and the copy of your Reference number as well as your receipt.




The following are the requirements to renew PRC license:
  • PRC renewal form. Properly accomplish the form which can be downloaded here. These are also available at the PRC offices. Some critically important info needed are:
    • License No
    • Exam Date
    • Registration Date
    • Expiration Date
  • Two (2) Passport size photos. Photo should be a close-up shot, colored, in white background with complete name tag.
  • Photocopy of recent PRC license card. Back to back photocopy of your most recent professional ID card.
  • Old PRC license card. Bring your old PRC license card for verification. If yours is lost, please see the Frequently Asked Questions section.
  • Attire with collar. Please wear an attire with collars on. The passport size photos above are just for PRC’s backup. They would still take your photo using their own cameras.


Prescribed fees are to be paid for renewal, they are as follows:
At PRC Offices
  • Renewal fee of 450 pesos.

Frequently Asked Questions

These are the frequently asked questions. Be sure to read them before hitting the comments section for your inquiry.
1. I’ve lost my PRC License ID. What to do?
PRC requires you to submit a notarized affidavit of loss together with the requirements above.
2. I’m past my expiration date! Can I still renew?
Of course, but a penalty fee of 20 pesos per month past the expiration date is due to be paid. If your license is expired for more than five (5) consecutive years, a refresher course is needed. Here’s an excerpt of the article from RA 9173:
Article V, Section 26.
“Requirement for Inactive Nurses Returning to Practice. – Nurses who have not actively practiced the profession for five (5) consecutive years are required to undergo one (1) month of didactic training and three (3) months of practicum. The Board shall accredit hospitals to conduct the said training program.”
3. My PRC License was destroyed/damaged.
For destroyed or badly damaged ID cards, PRC requires you to surrender it then follow the same procedure above.
4. Are CPE units still required?
Yes…(pst! Actually no. It’s not strictly implemented.)
5. How long will I have to wait for it to arrive?
Around 20 working days at SM Business Centers. Same day or around two (2) hours at PRC main and regional offices.
6. Can I have someone claim my renewed ID?
Yes. An authorization letter, your claim stub and valid IDs for your representative are needed. To avoid the troubles of going back, have it mailed directly to your residence.
7. I’m abroad and would want to renew my license.
You can renew your license at the Philippine Embassy or have a representative in the Philippines do it for your. All they have to do is follow the procedure above and present a Special Power of Attorney and a valid identification of the professional and representative.
8. Can I renew even before the expiration date/birth date?
You can start renewing your license three (3) months before your expiration date.

9. My question is not answered. What to do?
Please contact PRC via the following numbers: +632 314-0013+632 735-1537+632 734-0383,+632 735-4476 (Fax). You can also submit your questions at the comments section below.



Comelec cancels plan to buy bib vests for poll inspectors

Several Commission on Elections commissioners opposed the plan tp procure uniform bib vests for Board of Election Inspectors. Sheila Crisostomo, file

MANILA, Philippines – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) on Tuesday canceled its plan to procure uniform bib vests for the teachers that will serve as Board of Election Inspectors (BEIs) in the May 9 elections.
The poll body was supposed to procure P26 million worth of bib vests for the poll inspectors.
Instead of wearing bib vests, BEIs will be required to wear Department of Education uniforms. The poll body will also provide IDs for the teachers.
Several commissioners of the Commission on Elections opposed the plan.
Commissioner Rowena Guanzon asked the Comelec en banc to reconsider its decision to purchase uniforms for Board of Election Inspectors.
"I saw a picture of what looks like a white bib, and I heard comments that the teachers do not like to wear it," Guanzon said in a memorandum addressed to the Comelec en banc.
Guanzon also suggested that a big identification card should be used for identifying BEIs instead of spending public funds for uniforms.
Commissioners Arthur Lim and Sheriff Abas have also expressed their opinion to reconsider their vote for the procurement of uniforms for BEIs.
Commissioners Robert Lim and Luie Tito Guia cited the negative reactions when the poll body announced the procurement of uniforms.
"Initially, the criticism was heavy in the social media. Thereafter, even the mainstream media came out with its critique of the procurement," Lim and Guia said in a memorandum.
Sens. Grace Poe and Aquilino Pimentel III earlier criticized the purchase of uniforms. Pimentel said that the Comelec should increase the allowances of teachers serving as BEIs. as the bib vests would have no use after the elections.


DM 60, s. 2016 - Guidelines on the DepEd National Uniforms for Teaching and Non-Teaching Personnel


05 APR 2016
               No. 60   s 2016


         To:    Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau and Service Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Public Elementary and Secondary Schools Heads
All Others Concerned
1.       This is to announce the decision of the Executive Committee (ExeCom) that there will only be two (2) sets of national uniforms to be used by Teaching and NonTeaching Personnel starting School Year 2016-2017, with consideration of the following guidelines set by the DepEd Uniform Committee (DUC):
a.      General availability of the textile materials in the market;
b.     Comfort and durability of the textile materials. The quality of the fabric should be adaptable to the weather conditions and the environment of concerned personnel; and
c.      Over-all look. The design of the uniform should be presentable, and should convey modesty and integrity. Age, body built, and skin tone will also be considered in the design process.
2.      The DUC will convene on April 25, 2016 and will prepare a selection of designs and range of colors for the uniforms. Design and colors will be presented to the ExeCom for approval.
3.     The design of the uniforms will be in the simplest form to allow unrestricted movement. No specific fabric will be prescribed, for as long as the fabric used will follow the guidelines set that will be captured in a separate memorandum to be released by the end of April 2016.
4.   Only the approved national uniforms should be used by both teaching and non-teaching personnel. There shall be no regional and schools division uniforms as to have uniformity across all offices. Bulk buying of fabric is likewise prohibited.
5.         The schedule listed below should be followed:
a.  Set A for the Mondays and Wednesdays and Set B for Tuesdays and Thursdays. Color assignments will be communicated separately; and
b.     Appropriate office clothes may be worn on uniform-free Fridays.
6.     The annual clothing and uniform allowance in the amount of Five Thousand Pesos (P 5,000.00) has already been released. To facilitate the transition period, employees can still wear their old uniforms. But all concerned personnel must wear the new prescribed uniforms by July 2016.
7.                  Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired.

DepEd Memorandum: Nos. 126, s. 2014; 497 and 390, s. 2010
To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
STRAND: Governance and Operations

Stay Safe Online: Download CyberSafe Manuals

With the increasing use of the internet and new communication technology, comes the need to provide a safe online environment for children. One aspect of this is to build up children’s capacities to stay safe online. The CyberSafe program is Stairway’s contribution to the online safety field.
The CyberSafe website aims to provide guidance to children, youth, parents, teachers, caregivers and anyone interested on online safety. At the end of the day, we want children to have fun in a safe, online environment.


Thank you for taking interest and time to study these CyberSafe Lesson Plans. They are made in a Philippine context, and by taking part in this initiative you are helping to make the Internet a safer place for Filipino children.
The lessons aim to create an impact on children by helping them to realize that they can use and enjoy the Internet safely. As a teacher you will be creating an open space to discuss the different issues that children face on the Internet. There will be sensitive topics, so it is important to ensure that your students know and feel that they are in a safe environment for discussion.
We wish you all the best in your CyberSafe Lessons!
CyberSafe Manual 1, Grades 5-6 (SMALLER file size for screen view)
CyberSafe Manual 1, Grades 5-6 (LARGER file size for print)
CyberSafe Manual 2, Junior High (SMALLER file size for screen view)
CyberSafe Manual 2, Junior High (LARGER file size for print)

DO 20, s. 2016 - Encoding, Housekeeping, and Updating of Status of Alternative Learning System (ALS) for Calendar Year (CY) 2015 and Abot-Alam Learner Profiles for CYs 2014 and 2015 on the Learner Information System (LIS)


April 6, 2016
DO 20, s. 2016
Encoding, Housekeeping, and Updating of Status of Alternative Learning System (ALS) for Calendar Year (CY) 2015 and Abot-Alam Learner Profiles for CYs 2014 and 2015 on the Learner Information System (LIS)

To:     Undersecretaries
          Assistant Secretaries
          Bureau and Service Directors
          Regional Secretary, ARMM
          Regional Directors
          Schools Division Superintendents
          Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools Heads
          All Others Concerned
  1. In line with the effort of the Department of Education (DepEd) to establish a complete and accurate database of learners, the Learner Information System (LIS) will be open from April 6 to May 15, 2016 to allow Encoding, Housekeeping, and Updating of Status of Alternative Learning System (ALS) for Calendar Year (CY) 2015 and Abot-Alam Learner Profiles for CYs 2014 and 2015 on the LIS. This is to address discrepancies in the reports submitted by the schools divisions vis-à-vis the actual data in the LIS, as well as to support the downloading of 2015 continuing funds for the implementation of Abot-Alam in 2016.
  2. In this regard, all learning facilitators are requested to do the following:
    1. Review and clean up Abot-Alam data that are currently in the LIS;
      1. Tag all Abot-Alam learners who were not initially tagged as Abot-Alam at the time of the encoding/uploading in the LIS in the previous years;
      2. In cases where there were Abot-Alam Department of Education (DepEd) Procured implementers who previously requested DepEd Delivered implementers to encode their learners in the LIS on their behalf, the said DepEd Delivered implementers shall unenrol the learners so that the DepEd Procured implementers can enrol their own learners and tag them as Abot-Alam; and
      3. Regular ALS implementers who served learners who were mapped under Abot-Alamshall tag said learners as Abot-Alam.
    2. Encode the data of all Abot-Alam learners enroled in ALS but are not yet registered in the LIS; and
    3. Encode the data of all out of school youths (OSYs) mapped for basic education but not yet enroled. The Literacy Volunteer, Mobile Teacher or District ALS coordinator who conducted the mapping shall use the new LIS Form for Abot-Alam out of school children (OSC)/OSY Mapped for Basic Education.
  3. For Items 2.b and 2.c on page 1, DepEd Procured Abot-Alam (Abot-Alam literacy volunteers) shall follow these steps:
    1. Persons-in-charge of the Abot-Alam/ALS programs shall download the LIS Form for ALS DepEd-Procured and Partners CY 2015 Template from the LIS Help page or through this URL: lis.deped.gov.ph/help;
    2. They shall fill-out the template with complete and accurate information on learners who have attended ALS programs for CYs 2014 and 2015; and
    3. They shall submit the completed masterlist to the Division Education Program Supervisor for ALS. He or she shall then upload the completed masterlist and update the status of the learners in the LIS.
  4. The schools division superintendents, through the School Governance and Operations Division – Planning and Research Units, and the Information Technology officers shall jointly provide technical assistance and resources, as necessary, to the schools to ensure compliance in uploading and housekeeping of Abot-Alam learners.
  5. To meet the LIS target schedules, all personnel involved in the LIS at the school district and schools division levels are allowed to render overtime (OT) services during weekdays, weekends and holidays when necessary. At the school level, these OT services can be converted to service credits.
  6. For more information and clarifications, all concerned may contact the Abot-Alam Secretariat at telephone no. (02) 637-9814, and LIS HelpDesk at icts.usd@deped.gov.ph.
  7. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.



DO 19, s. 2016 - Guidelines on the Organizational Structures and Staffing Patterns of Stand-alone and Integrated Public Senior High Schools (SHS)


April 6, 2016
DO 19, s. 2016
Guidelines on the Organizational Structures and Staffing Patterns of Stand-alone and Integrated Public Senior High Schools (SHS)

To:     Undersecretaries
          Assistant Secretaries
          Bureau and Service Directors
          Regional Secretary, ARMM
          Regional Directors
          Schools Division Superintendents
          Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools Heads
          All Others Concerned
  1. The Department of Education (DepEd) issues the enclosed Guidelines on the Organizational Structures and Staffing Patterns of Stand-alone and Integrated Public Senior High Schools (SHS). It aims to provide comprehensive guidelines, standards, and procedures that clearly define the organizational structures and staffing patterns of different types of public senior high schools, as well as clarify the roles and functions of their teaching and non-teaching staff.
  2. The organizational structures, staffing patterns, and procedures set therein shall be used as a guide by the DepEd central and field offices/units as well as external stakeholders to ensure that the governance and management of public senior high schools are in accordance with DepEd quality standards, and ultimately lead to the enhanced delivery of basic education.
  3. All provisions of DepEd rules, regulations, and issuances, which are inconsistent with these guidelines, are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
  4. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.



IPCRF for Teachers and OPCRF for Head Teachers and Principals with Computation and List of Evidences


IPCRF for Teachers and OPCRF for Head Teachers and Principals with Computation and List of Evidences

The admin and his writers do not claim ownership on the documents/photos/videos posted on our site, yet we personalize our contents or articles to give relevant and quality issues. 

Any item on our posts which may have unintentionally breached your copyright, please contact us immediately. We will take appropriate action to correct any inaccuracies or remove materials which are found to be inappropriate. You may contact us via e-mail at depedtambayan@gmail.com, and all your copyrighted works will be taken down as soon as possible.Thanks for understanding. 

You must be a member of DEPED TAMBAYAN FACEBOOK GROUP to have an access of this FILE. 

If you are not a member yet, PLEASE JOIN US HERE before you click download to avoid inconvenience. > 


Please use this as reference only.
Uploaded by Sir Brai Dela Vega Blanquera at Deped Tambayan Group

IMPORTANT: You must be a member of DEPED TAMBAYAN FACEBOOK GROUP to have an access of this FILE. If you are not a member yet, JOIN US HERE > DEPED TAMBAYAN

For more downloads JOIN DepED Tambayan Official Facebook Group

To receive updates on top breaking headlines and current events related to Department of Education. please LIKE our Official Facebook Page 

Guide on how to find and download all what you need from our site.
> Click on the link of the file you want to download .Close all pop-ads that appear except adfly. 
> Wait 5 seconds then click "Skip Ad" and then the FILE will be shown and ready to download. . (important: have patience)
> Click download icon, the one that looks like arrow down

The admin and his writers do not claim ownership on the documents/photos/videos posted on our site, yet we personalize our contents or articles to give relevant and quality issues. 

Any item on our posts which may have unintentionally breached your copyright, please contact us immediately. We will take appropriate action to correct any inaccuracies or remove materials which are found to be inappropriate. You may contact us via e-mail at depedtambayan@gmail.com, and all your copyrighted works will be taken down as soon as possible.Thanks for understanding. 


WATCH: Manny Pacquiao Vs. Timothy Bradley 3 Full Fight Replay


WATCH: Manny Pacquiao Vs. Timothy Bradley 3 Full Fight Replay 

Pacquiao vs. Bradley 3, play-by-play from Luke Thomas
The fighters are now starting their walkout, with the broadcast already at a brisk pace. The anthems have already been sung, which means the fight should start before 11:40pm ET. We go live at 11:37 pm ET.

Round 1:
 Pacquiao is southpaw, Bradley orthodox. Both fighters seem to be finding range. No major punches attempted or landed just yet. Decent left hook finds the mark for Pacquiao. Left hand scores for Pacquiao. Not much happened. Hard to call a winner.
MMA Fighting scores this round 10-10
Round 2: 
The two try to exchange crosses, but neither lands. Both came close, though. Pacquiao leaps into a left hand twice and can't quite get it. Pacquiao still chasing and Bradley's scoring a bit with his right, but not much. Decent body shot now for Pacquiao. Good left scores now for Pacquiao. And another.
MMA Fighting scores this round 10-9 Pacquiao (20-19)
Round 3: 
Pacquiao cornering Bradley and lands a left, then dodges two hard punches from Bradley. Bradley scores with a left hook now. Jabs traded now by both fighters. Good body shot from Bradley off an angle.
MMA Fighting scores this round 10-9 Bradley (29-29)
Round 4: 
Decent right hand from Bradley, but he eats a left later. Lots of missed shots, but Pacquiao's doing the work of moving forward, but Pacquiao lands a right hook that was very hard. Good misdirection right hand for Bradley before the final bell.
MMA Fighting scores this round 10-9 Pacquiao (39-38)
Round 5: 
Bradley trying to back Pacquiao up, but Pacquiao scores with a left. Bradley bullies Pacquiao into the ropes and lands a right. Pacquiao responds with a cross of his own. Good body work now from Bradley. The two are trading now and both are landing. Pacquiao is the aggressor and a big left hand scores for Pacquiao.
MMA Fighting scores this round 10-9 Pacquiao (49-47)
Round 6: 
Great three punch combo from Bradley than ends with a tight right hook. Good left hand now from Bradley, but now Pacquiao lands a left. Solid flurry from Pacquiao, including a short right hook. Tough round to score. A lot less landed for both fighters.
MMA Fighting scores this round 10-9 Pacquiao (59-56)
Round 7: 
Pacquiao lands two lefts as Bradley is on the defensive, but there's not much follow up. Whipping left hook from Bradley snaps Pacquiao's head around. Two good lefts to the body and head land for Bradley. Solid right hand now for Pacquiao finds the mark. Wow, Bradley gets knocked down, but it looks like he might have slipped. Bell rings seconds later.
MMA Fighting scores this round 10-8 Pacquiao (69-64)
Round 8: 
Tight exchange in close, but neither fighters lands a lot. Good body shot for Bradley finds the mark. Solid right hand from Bradley drills Pacquiao against the ropes. Heavy one-two from Bradley lands and Pacquiao looks hurt. They clinch along the ropes, but he got nailed there.
MMA Fighting scores this round 10-9 Bradley (78-74)
Round 9: 
Bradley pursues Pacquiao with heavy punches, but couldn't find anything. Pacquiao scores with a left in tight, but nearly eats a huge punch as a result. Pacquiao scores an overhand left as Bradley circles out. Stunning left hand hurts Bradley, then another drops him to the canvas for the second knockdown of the fight. Bradley tries to pursue, Pacquiao reacts by offering flurries.
MMA Fighting scores this round 10-8 Pacquiao (88-82)
Round 10: 
Good left to the body scores for Pacquiao, then a right as he angles off. Solid right hand over the top from Bradley finds the mark. Two short punches score for Pacquiao as he closes in on Bradley at close range. Both fighters trade crosses, Pacquiao's left landing slightly more.
MMA Fighting scores this round 10-9 Pacquiao (98-91)
Round 11: 
Lots of feeling out and small shots land in the first minute. Pacquiao still doing the pursuing, Bradley still on the back foot. Two solid rights find the mark for Bradley. Good ring generalship from Bradley in avoiding Pacquiao's worst.
MMA Fighting scores this round 10-9 Bradley (107-101)
Round 12: 
Bradley pursuing in the first minute and Pacquiao is anticipating it. Low blow from Bradley temporarily halts the action, but they're back at it. Good body shot from Pacquiao. Two good lefts from Bradley find the mark as Pacquiao appears to be coasting. Bradley pursuing, but can't really find a clean opening. The round ends with Pacquiao landing a flurry on Bradley.

MMA Fighting scores this round 10-9 Pacquiao and the fight 117-110 for Pacquiao
Manny Pacquiao def. Timothy Bradley via unanimous decision (116-110, 116-110, 116-110)

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions on Remedial Classes


Answers to Frequently Asked Questions on Remedial Classes

This questions and answers regarding the most talked remedial classes 2016 were only quoted from posts made Facebook users. Do not take it as an official answer to your queries. Use only as a guide in making your decision since we do not have yet a MEMO or ORDER regarding the detailed explanation of these Frequently Asked Questions.

What are remedial classes?

REMEDIAL CLASSES are classes that some learners must take in order to build up math, reading, or English skills BEFORE they are allowed to take the next level of regular classes.

Where will the remedial class be conducted?
Sangay Nhs Sultan Kudarat Remedial Classes will be conducted where the student failed. The school will offer summer class free to accommodate the students.

Wedzmer Briz Munjilul (Admin of DepEd Official E-Class Record (K to 12 Grading System) Help Desk)For after school year remedial classes, the school head should have made a report and request to the division's office that they will have a remedial classes after the school year. This is so that the conducted remedial classes offered are supervised and considered to be legal since the SF5 of the said class will be altered after the said remedial classes in order to promote or retain the student concerned.

 Is the teacher who failed the pupil/student required to conduct the remedial class?
 If not the subject teacher, then who may do it? Their grades will be recomputed and will be submitted to the division office.

What am I going to do if my learner still failed after the remedial class?
However, if the learner still fails remedial classes, s/he must retake the subject/ s failed during the summer or as a back subject. (DO 8 s2015)

How long will the remedial class be conducted?

(Formative assessment like quiz determines if the student is now ready to take a quarterly assessment. This should not be used as bases for grading)

They should pass the summative assessments during remediation to avoid a failing grade in a learning area/ subject.

Is there a memo that I am obliged to conduct a remedial class for my failing learners?
Your principal will notice you with a memo that you are going to conduct a remedial class upon the approval of your Schools Division Superintendent to his/her request to conduct remedial classes.

Your service this summer must be officially endorsed in a memorandum for security and records purposes.

What to do when the learner still fails after the remedial classes?
When a learner's raw scores are consistently below expectations in Written Work and Performance Tasks, the learner's parents or guardians must be informed not later than the fifth week of that quarter. This will enable them to help and guide their child to improve and prepare for the Quarterly Assessment. A learner who receives a grade below 75 in any subject in a quarter must be given intervention through remediation and extra lessons from the teacher/ s of that subject. (DO 8, s2015)

DOWNLOAD DO 8, s. 2015 - Policy Guidelines on Classroom Assessment for the K to 12 Basic Education Program for more details


Government employees involved in LIS and BEIS are given service credits


As stated in Deped Order 20 s2016
To meet the LIS target schedules, all personnel involved in the LIS at the school district and schools division levels are allowed to render overtime (OT) services during weekdays, weekends and holidays when necessary. At the school level, these OT services can be converted to service credits.

As stated in Deped Order 26 s2015
All government employees involved in the LIS and EBEIS at the schools, district and division levels are allowed to render overtime (OT) services during weekdays, weekends, and holidays when necessary to meet the LIS target schedules. At the school level, these OT services can be converted to service credits.

As stated in Deped Order 13 s2014
All personnel involved in the LIS at the schools, district and division levels are allowed to render overtime services during weekdays, weekends, and holidays when necessary to meet the LIS target schedules. At the school level, these overtime services can be converted to service credits.

As stated in Deped Order 33 s2013
All personnel involved in the LIS at the schools, CLCs, district and division levels are allowed to render overtime (OT) services during weekdays, weekends and holidays when necessary to meet the LIS target schedules, subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules.
DOWNLOAD Deped Order 33 s2013

Service credits may be granted also for the following activities:
  1. services rendered during registration and election days as long as these are mandated duties under existing laws;
  2. services rendered during calamity and rehabilitation when schools are used as evacuation centers;
  3. services rendered in connection with the conduct of remedial classes during the summer or Christmas vacation or outside of regular school days;
  4. services rendered in connection with early opening of the school year;
  5. services rendered during school sports competitions held outside of regular school days;
  6. services rendered by those who train teachers in addition to their normal teaching loads;
  7. teaching overload not compensated by honoraria;
  8. teaching in non-formal education classes in addition to teaching in formal education classes carrying a normal teaching load;
  9. work done during regular school days if these are in addition to the normal teaching load;
  10. conduct of testing activities held outside of school days; and
  11. attendance/participation in special DepEd projects and activities which are short-term in duration such as English, Science and Math Mentors' Training, curriculum writing workshop, planning workshop, etc., if such are held during the summer vacation or during weekends.

Teachers can now claim overtime pay

As stated in DO 16 s2009 - DOWNLOAD THIS DEPED ORDER
Teachers who have rendered the six (6) hours of actual classroom teaching duly reflected in their daily time cards shall be deemed to have completed the required daily working hours must not be declared to have incurred undertime in the report card and must not be subjected to salary deductions by the concerned payroll services unit. Read more

The Department of Education has released guidelines on the reduced classroom hours of teachers giving flesh to the Civil Service Commission ruling that allow teachers 6 hours of actual classroom teaching instead of the usual 8 hours.

The SCS ruled that while teachers are not exempt from the eight-hour workday provided for in R.A. 1880, they are given at most 6 hours a day of actual teaching. The remaining two hours may be spent within or outside the school premises in teaching-related activities.

Over and above the 6-hour classroom work, and the 8-hour workday, a teacher can now charge overtime. 

The guidelines were finalized by DepEd in consultation with principals and teachers. According to Education Secretary Jesli Lapus the proposed guidelines are in sync with Section 13 of Republic Act 4670 otherwise known as the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers.

“After 42 years, DepEd will now implement the 6-hour actual teaching load a day for our teachers as provided for in the Magna Carta. The move of the DepEd and CSC will allow our public school teachers to have more time to innovate and enhance classroom teaching,” Lapus said. Based on DepEd Memorandum 291 s. 2008, public school teachers shall render at most six hours of actual classroom teaching a day except when undertaking academic activities that require presence outside the school premises such as educational trips.

School heads, the memo said, shall assign teaching loads to public school teachers to fully utilize the 6-hour actual classroom teaching, i.e., six teaching loads at one hour per teaching load with due regard for possible teaching intervals. The memo further stated that all advisorship and/or special assignments for the entire school year combined shall be considered as one teaching load.

A teacher with less than 6 hours of actual classroom teaching shall render additional hours of teacher-related activities and duties to complete the six hours.

The two hours of teaching-related work within or outside the school premises to comply with the 8-hour workday include preparation of lesson plans, action plans, instructional materials, evaluation/assessment of rubrics, preparation and checking of exercises, recording of academic performance and classroom accomplishments, conduct of research, attendance to seminars, workshops and similar programs, counseling, mentoring, coaching of students including home visits.

Also considered as teaching related activities are consultation with parents,performance of coordination activities and recognized community social services; and participation in the improvement and maintenance of school facilities. 

In the exigency of the service, a public school teacher may be required to render more than 6 hours of teaching and more than 8 hours of workday provided they are given additional compensation computed at the same hourly rate of the regular compensation, plus a premium of 25% of the hourly rate for actual classroom teaching in excess of 6 hours and for work performed in excess of 8 hours.

Overtime pay can only be claimed for actual teaching and /or work performed within the school premises. In the event of non-availability of funds, service credits shall be granted and a one-hour overtime work shall be counted as 1.25 hours for purposes of determining the service credits. 

Lapus earlier appealed to the Civil Service Commission to release an appropriate interpretation of Section 13 of RA 4670. In reply, the CSC says that “there is nothing in the law which limits the hours of work of teachers to only six hours. What is limited to six hours is the actual classroom teaching of the teachers.” Lapus added that “having settled the issue on workload that favors the teachers is a landmark victory for our more than 480,000 - strong teaching force nationwide.


PRESS RELEASE: Solon hails signing into law of poll service reform law


Solon hails signing into law of poll service reform law
Implement higher pay and legal protection for BEIs, COMELEC urged
ACT Teachers Rep. Antonio Tinio welcomed the signing of Republic Act 10756 or the Election Service Reform ACT (ESRA) by Pres. Aquino last April 8.
Tinio, the principal author of the law, challenged the Commission on Elections (COMELEC) to immediately implement its provisions on non-compulsory election service for teachers, higher compensation package, improved benefits, and medical and legal assistance for election volunteers.
“This is a historic victory for public school teachers,” said Tinio, who first filed the bill in 2011.
“RA 10756 is dedicated to Filomena Tatlonghari, Nellie Banaag, and other teachers who gave their lives while protecting our votes,” said Tinio, referring to teachers who were killed in while serving as election workers in previous elections.  “We successfully pushed for this law also in the name of countless teachers who face tremendous risks in the line of duty every election season.”
RA 10756, with the full title An Act Rendering Election Service Non-Compulsory for Public School Teachers, Authorizing the Appointment of Other Qualified Citizens, Providing for Compensation and Other Benefits, makes election service voluntary for public school teachers and other citizens, assures increased honoraria and allowances for poll workers, and mandates benefits such as medical and legal assistance, among others.
“We now urge COMELEC, DepEd, and other concerned agencies such as the Public Attorney’s Office to implement the law to its fullest extent in time for the 2016 elections, especially the higher compensation and various benefits for our BEIs, Department of Education (DepEd) supervisors, and support staff,” stressed Tinio.
Honoraria for BEI chairpersons and members are now P6,000 and P5,000, respectively (from P3,000 in 2013); P4,000 for DepEd supervisors (from P3,000); and P2,000 for support staff (from P1,500).  These poll workers will also be given a travel allowance of P1,000 (from P500).  Teachers shall also be entitled to service credits of five days (from three days) while other poll workers shall be granted leave credits of five days.
COMELEC is mandated to give to poll workers their honoraria and allowances not later than 15 days from May 9.  Persons responsible for any delayed payment shall be liable for an election offense.
BEIs who died in the performance of election duties shall be granted P500,000 (from P200,000) while those who seek medical attention shall be entitled to such assistance as may be determined by COMELEC as sufficient for medical and hospitalization.
The law also gives poll workers the right to engage government and private lawyers should they be sued in connection to their poll duties, with costs reimbursable from COMELEC.
To guarantee the payment of all these benefits, COMELEC is tasked to establish a trust fund.###

Sample School Clubs Action Plan


How do you plan meaningful activities for your club that will actually have a tangible impact?
The School Clubs Action Plan will walk you through the steps for starting and growing a successful club.
Action Plan plays is very important for every organization or club in the school. Without it our learners may not be able to include their membership or officership as part of their ECA for ranking purposes. Accomplishment reports based in the Clubs Action Plan is a requirement. 
Download the plan that your club needs and  try to implement it at a time. (credits to schools and authors included in the attachment)


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Ready Made Action Plan for Teachers and Subject Coordinators


Ready Made Action Plan for Teachers and Subject Coordinators


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