Here are some samples of Rubrics Assessment Tools for Performance Task formulated by DepED Tambayan Bloggers Team.
Download them now and customize according to your preferences.
If you have also your own RUBRIC/s that you want to share, please send us via e-mail: or simply comment the link in this post or PM it to our official FB account Deped Tambayan , your name (linked to your FB account).
After downloading pls READ the instructions on how to maximize these rubrics we provided for you.
DOWNLOAD Rubrics Assessment Tools BLANK TEMPLATE
1. Building a Structure
2. Class Debate
3. Cooking
4. Creating a Painting
5. General Music Standards
6. Graphing (Mathematics)
7. Role Play
8. Independent Reading
9. Interview
10. Letter Writing
11. Making a Brochure
12. Making a Poster
13. Multimedia Project
14. Making a Collage
15. Making a Map
16. Music Composition
17. Persuasive Writing
18. Poem Recitation
19. Math Problem Solving
20. Research Report
21. Scientific Drawing
22. Skit Rubric
23. Stage Design
24. Story Writing
25. Video reproduction
26. Vocal Music- Individual
27. Music - Choir (Musical Theater Production)
28. Theme Writing
29. Group Reporting
30. Speech Delivery
31. Folk Dance
32. Witing Essay
More will be added later..
Follow THIS LINK and post your questions, concerns and request here about the Rubric Assessment Tool that you need.
1. Each rubric tool contains all the possible categories applicable to a given Task. For the sake of this tutorial, we are going to use the Rubric for Mathematics Problem Solving included herein.
In this figure the RUBRIC for Mathematics Problem Solving consists of 12 Categories.

2. Select the most relevant and most appropriate category for assessment. In this example I copied only five of the given categories as boxed in the above figures. Copy and paste the cells in a blank template (can be downloaded here) and complete the table.
3. The Rubrics Assessment Tools for Performance Task for Math Problem Solving is now ready to use according to my preference.