The maximum actual classroom teaching per day which may be assigned to teachers is six (6) hours.
However, when required by the exigencies of the service, a teacher may be required to render actual classroom instructions beyond six hours but shall be subject to payment of overtime pay. READ LEGAL BASIS
Under DepEd Memorandum No. 291 dated June 13, 2008, the general guidelines for the implementation of the six (6) hours of actual classroom teaching of public elementary and secondary teachers and the specific guidelines to be promulgated in the school level for the remaining two (2) hours to complete the eight (8) hours of work, have been promulgated.
In view of many requests for clarifications as to the implementation of the provisions of said Memorandum and reports of non-compliance or different interpretations at the school level as to its correct application, DepEd issued DepEd Order No. 16, s. 2009 dated Februay 4, so as to clarify the issues.
The following are the additional guidelines and clarifications: The six (6) hours of classroom teaching shall cover the full teaching load of a teacher as indicated in the class program. As described in DepEd Memorandum No. 291, s. 2008, teaching loads including advisorships and special assignments for the entire school year combined shall be considered as one teaching load; and the two (2) remaining hours is allotted in teaching related activities like preparation of lesson plans, checking and recording of outputs and it can be spent at home or anywhere. READ LEGAL BASIS
Teachers who have rendered the six (6) hours of actual classroom teaching duly reflected in their daily time cards shall be deemed to have completed the required daily working hours must not be declared to have incurred undertime in the report card and must not be subjected to salary deductions by the concerned payroll services unit.
"If you do not have class anymore, what is the use of staying in the school and wait for 5 o'clock. Writing of lesson plans, and checking of output can be done at home. The government can also save current in this manner because you will not be using anymore electric fans or air condition." Under-Secretary Sunga explained during the Regional Training of Teacher Leaders and Administrators I attended at Aringay, La Union, Region I last August 2009 conducted by Teachers Dignity Coalition (TDC).
However, when required by the exigencies of the service, a teacher may be required to render actual classroom instructions beyond six hours but shall be subject to payment of overtime pay. READ LEGAL BASIS
Under DepEd Memorandum No. 291 dated June 13, 2008, the general guidelines for the implementation of the six (6) hours of actual classroom teaching of public elementary and secondary teachers and the specific guidelines to be promulgated in the school level for the remaining two (2) hours to complete the eight (8) hours of work, have been promulgated.
In view of many requests for clarifications as to the implementation of the provisions of said Memorandum and reports of non-compliance or different interpretations at the school level as to its correct application, DepEd issued DepEd Order No. 16, s. 2009 dated Februay 4, so as to clarify the issues.
The following are the additional guidelines and clarifications: The six (6) hours of classroom teaching shall cover the full teaching load of a teacher as indicated in the class program. As described in DepEd Memorandum No. 291, s. 2008, teaching loads including advisorships and special assignments for the entire school year combined shall be considered as one teaching load; and the two (2) remaining hours is allotted in teaching related activities like preparation of lesson plans, checking and recording of outputs and it can be spent at home or anywhere. READ LEGAL BASIS
Teachers who have rendered the six (6) hours of actual classroom teaching duly reflected in their daily time cards shall be deemed to have completed the required daily working hours must not be declared to have incurred undertime in the report card and must not be subjected to salary deductions by the concerned payroll services unit.
"If you do not have class anymore, what is the use of staying in the school and wait for 5 o'clock. Writing of lesson plans, and checking of output can be done at home. The government can also save current in this manner because you will not be using anymore electric fans or air condition." Under-Secretary Sunga explained during the Regional Training of Teacher Leaders and Administrators I attended at Aringay, La Union, Region I last August 2009 conducted by Teachers Dignity Coalition (TDC).