MANILA, Philippines - The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) and the Board of Professional Teachers (Board) announced that only registered and licensed Professional Teachers (LET passers) will be allowed to use and append to their names the professional title “LPT.”
Pursuant to Board Resolution No. 01 – 2017, appending professional title "LPT" will give an impression that the bearer is a bona fide registered and licensed professional.
The application wil be the same with other recognized professional titles such as MD for Medical Doctor, RN for Registered Nurse, Engr. for Engineer, RPT for Registered Physical Therapist, to name a few.
According to Republic Act No. 7836, otherwise known as the Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994, it is punishable for any person to practice the teaching profession in the Philippines without having been registered and licensed to engage as such; or to, in connection with his/her name, otherwise assume, use or advertise any title or description tending to conveyor which conveys the impression that he/she is a teacher without holding a valid certificate for such purpose.
"Any person or individual who uses and appends such title to his/her name but is not in fact or found not to be a duly registered and licensed Professional Teacher shall be meted with the corresponding sanctions as prescribed in the General Penalty Clause of R.A. No. 7836, as amended," PRC said.
Check out the full text of Resolution No. 01, Series of 2017Resolution No. 01, Series of 2017 - Allowing only Registered and Licensed Professional Teachers to use and append to their names the Professional Title "LPT'