Providers that Offer Teacher’s Loan at Low Interest Rates with Tips
It is a common knowledge that teachers are the most overworked and underpaid professionals in the Philippines. They are burdened with impossible teacher to students’ ratio and sometimes even experience delayed salaries.
Thankfully, there are institutions that offer financial assistance to public school teachers through teacher’s loan. These loan providers often give lower interests and quick approval upon submission of complete requirements.
Here are some providers that offer teacher’s loan at low interest rates:
1. Land Bank of the Philippines
Land Bank and the Department of Education partnered to launch the Livelihood Loan Facility, a financing solution for teachers. Educators can borrow as much as Php 500,000 or an amount equivalent to their 8-month’s salary, with fixed interest rate at 10.5%.
LandBank of the Philippines Contact Number
- (+632) 405-7000
- 1-800-10-405-7000
2. Agribank
Puhunang Pangkabuhayan ng mga Namamasukan (PPN) loan program provides teachers with a decent funding source. Teachers can borrow money for a 1-year term with a monthly interest of 0.9% or a 2-year loan at 1.0% interest rate per month. Agribank may release money as fast as one day with complete requirements.
AgriBank Contact Number
- (02) 942-2474 (AGRI)
- (078) 392-1522
- (078) 392-1527
3. UnionBank
City Savings Loan allows teachers to borrow as much as Php875, 000 at an aggregate payable on 12, 18, 24 or 36 months. The bank claims no pre-termination fee, insurance deduction and hidden charges, and loan release as fast as 1 hour on off peak days, and a day during normal days.
UnionBank Contact Number
- (+632) 841-8600 (Metro Manila)
- 1-800-1888-2277 (Domestic Toll-Free)
4. National or Regional DepEd Office
Public school teachers can also borrow directly from the DepEd national office or the nearest regional office. Program for Public School Teachers Association (PPSTA) Eduk Loan Program offers public school teachers as much as Php 300,000 at a very low rate. Payments are made easy through salary deduction.
PPSTA Contact Number
Loan and Collection Department
- (02) 988.1411/1412
When opting to borrow money for livelihood or other reasons, you need to consider some things before proceeding.
First, different institutions have different loanable amount. If you would borrow money to set up a business, you would possibly need more. However, the larger the amount you would borrow, the more likely it is that requirements and background checks would be more strict.
Secondly, as you go over the list, you could notice that there are various interest rates and fees. It is much better to clarify hidden fees and interest rates. Also, it would be wise to inquire about penalties in case you failed to give payments on time.
Third, the time of loan release vary from different financial institutions, but one sure way to have a faster transaction is to complete the required documents.
Lastly, Different banks and institutions need various requirements. Prepare copies of the requirements and have the original copies too, just in case. Also, make sure that all your information is clear and consistent. To avoid wasting time, inquire first all the necessary documents before filing them.