This is in response to the statements of Teachers’ Dignity Coalition (TDC) on the delayed release of teachers’ cash allowance, also referred to as chalk allowance, for the school year 2016-2017.
As provided for in the annual appropriations of the Department of Education, an allowance of P1,500 is provided per classroom teacher for every school year for the purchase of chalks, erasers, forms and other classroom supplies and materials. This budget is released directly to DepEd Regional Offices based on the policy of “GAA s a Release Document” by the Department of Budget and Management (DBM).
For the cash allowance to be released to individual teachers, the operating units (division offices and schools) are required to submit the actual and final list of teachers who would receive the provision. Only after then would the DepEd Regional Offices transfer the required allotment to Divisions and schools, and only after then would the Notice of Cash Allocation (NCA) be issued by the DBM.
This year, the marked increase in new teaching items (considering the implementation of Grade 11 starting this school year) may have extended the hiring period, and consequently—the submission of the actual list of beneficiaries by the Divisions. As of press time, however, these funds have already been released to the beneficiaries, starting with the regular teachers.
Since the hiring process continues throughout the school year, the release of cash allowance to newly hired teachers will also continue to be made upon submission of the required reports to the Regional Offices and DBM.
The DepEd reaffirms its support for teachers. We shall constantly take efforts to streamline our processes and allocate resources to better assist our teachers in their delivery of quality education.