Due to the Performance-Based Bonus (PBB) scheme’s divisive and discriminatory character, Rep. Castro urged the rechanneling of 16.7B PBB funds to salary increase during the Development Budget Coordinating Committee (DBCC) presentation of the 2017 Budget on Monday.
ACT Teachers Party-List had so long decried the divisive, deceptive and discriminatory character of this system which purports to improve efficiency of government agencies’ functions. “This system creates an atmosphere of competition among employees instead of harmonious cooperation towards providing quality public service to the people,” Castro said.
Due to the lawmakers’ incessant prodding at the new administration’s decision to continue and even increase the PBB funds, DBM Undersecretary Laura Pascua agreed to give reports assessing PBB’s role in improving the efficiency of government agencies and agreed to review guidelines in granting PBB.
Moreover, Castro explained that PBB discriminates rank-and-file government employees because the amount of bonus for each employee depend on his/her salary.
“The PBB scheme is especially unfair to the public school teachers since the criteria used to measure their performance are the NAT scores of the school, drop-out rate, and liquidation capability and expenditure of the schools’ MOOE. Such parameters do not center on evaluating the quality of teacher factor,” Castro ended.
The PBB is part of ex-DBM Sec. Abad’s Performance-Based Incentive System [PBIS] along with PEI, established through EO No. 80, s. 2012 which adopted the Results-Based Performance Monitoring System (RBPMS)—a major governance reform that puts premium in the improvement of the performance management. The previous administration had allotted huge amount of funds to this scheme (14.6B in 2015 and 13.5B for 2016).