Official Statement on the appeal for the recall of DepEd DO 42, s. 2016 (Policy Guidelines on Daily Lesson Preparation for the K to 12 Basic Education Program)
In relation to the issues raised by the Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT) Teachers Partylist and the Teachers’ Dignity Coalition (TDC) regarding the preparation of the Daily Lesson Log (DLL) by teachers, the Department of Education (DepEd) wishes to clarify that it has not made any official statement on this matter.
In relation to the issues raised by the Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT) Teachers Partylist and the Teachers’ Dignity Coalition (TDC) regarding the preparation of the Daily Lesson Log (DLL) by teachers, the Department of Education (DepEd) wishes to clarify that it has not made any official statement on this matter.
While the DepEd recognizes the concerns raised by ACT and TDC regarding the clerical tasks of its teaching personnel, it also affirms its commitment to taking care of the welfare of its teachers. It was in this spirit that DepEd Order 42, s. 2016 or the Policy Guidelines on Daily Lesson Preparation for the K to 12 Basic Education Program was crafted.
The new guidelines seek to enable teachers to deliver quality instruction based on the principle of sound instructional planning. They also seek to help teachers come to their classes prepared. The guidelines have also reduced the number of years teachers are required to prepare a Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) from two years to just a year, particularly for newly-hired teachers or teachers who join DepEd without any professional teaching experience. After a year in the service, teachers are only required to fill out a Daily Lesson Log (DLL). Moreover, the guidelines also allow teachers to prepare lessons collaboratively and encourage seasoned or veteran teachers to mentor novice teachers in preparing for daily lessons.
The DepEd understands that part of the concerns of teachers regarding the DLL is its new format. In this regard, the DepEd wishes to assure teachers and the public that the new DLL format was created with the best interests of teachers in mind. The new DLL format is simply meant as a planning tool for teachers in terms of budgeting time and choosing the most appropriate activities and assessment strategies to ensure that learners meet the competencies targeted in each lesson. It is meant as a tool to help teachers deliver lessons more effectively each time they step in front of their class.
Research has shown that a common trait that effective teachers share is planning, preparing for, and reflecting on their teaching. The DepEd Order was issued to accompany the changes in the curriculum, and changes in the curriculum also require greater capacity in teaching. The DepEd is committed to ensure that its teachers are not only effective but also capable of delivering quality instruction on a daily basis.
That said, DepEd Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones would like to reiterate that while she has not made a decision on the appeal to recall the policy, she is open to a discussion of it. She also commits to consultation with all parties concerned—from within the DepEd and other stakeholders—before any policy determination is made..