K-12 Teaching and Learning Resources (2019 Compilation)
Deped Tambayan K-12 Teaching and Learning Resources are progressively being uploaded for all grade levels and curriculum areas.The Deped Tambayan K-12 Teaching and Learning Resources is designed to support increased distribution and access to learning, teaching and professional development resources at the Region, Division and School/Cluster levels of DepED.
K-12 Teaching and Learning Resources
Feel free to select your download from our wide array of compilation below. If your desired material is not in this list, please use the search button. You will surely find it there.
- 4th Periodic Test Questions with Table of Specifications (TOS)
- Daily Lesson Log (DLL)
- Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) - Elem
- Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) - SHS
- Teachers Guide (TG)
- Learners Materials (LM)
- Curriculum Guides (CG) for Grade 1-12
- Deped School Forms (SF 1-10)
- 2019 RPMS Tools and Forms, IPCRF Samples
- Sample RPMS Portfolio and Cover Designs
- Diploma, Award Certificates and Programs For EOSY 2018-2019
- Budget of Works
- Test Item Analysis Calculator
- Instructional Materials
- Automated Electronic Class Record
- English Proficiency Test (EPT) Reviewer
- Principals Test Reviewer
- CS form 212 - Personal Data Sheet
- SALN Form
- Strategic Intervention Materials
- Sample Action Research
- MTAP Reviewers
- Developing Reading Power
- Grading System
- Action Plans
- SREYA and Kinder Assessment Tools
- Graduation Songs Collection
- Certificate/Diploma Templates
- Research Papers, Theses, Dissertations
- Kindergarten Materials
- Scoring Rubrics for Assessment
- Phil-IRI Materials
- Home Visitation Forms
- Athletes Forms