2019 DepEd End of School Year Rites and Graduation Theme
2019 DepEd Official Graduation Theme. The Philippine Department of Education has just released the 2019 official theme for graduation rites across all public and private schools in the Philippines.
DepEd Order No. 002, s. 2019 (School Year 2018-2019 K to 12 Basic Education Program End of School Year Rites). The following are the highlights of the released department order dated February 18, 2019:
(1) For School Year (SY) 2018-2019, the Department of Education (DepEd) announces the conduct of the following End-of-School-Year (EOSY) Rites:
- Kindergarten: Moving Up or Completion Ceremony
- Grade 6: Graduation Ceremony
- Grade 10: Moving Up or Completion Ceremony
- Grade 12: Graduation Ceremony
(2) The 2019 ceremonies shall focus on the theme Pagkakaisa sa Pagkakaiba-iba: Kalidad na Edukasyon para sa Lahat (Unity in Diversity: Quality Education for All). Schools, divisions, or regions may translate the theme into their respective Mother Tongues. This theme highlights the role of K to 12 Basic Education Program in developing an educated society where the challenges and benefits of diversity are embraced and welcomed by every Filipino.
Pagkakaisa sa Pagkakaiba-iba: Kalidad na Edukasyon para sa Lahat (Unity in Diversity: Quality Education for All)
(3) As announced in Enclosure No. 2 of DepEd Order (DO) No. 25, s. 2018 entitled School Calendar for School Year 2018-2019, the end of school year rites should be scheduled not earlier than April 1, 2019 but not later than April 5, 2019. Schools, divisions, or regions with an extended school year will have to be guided by their approved revised school calendar.
(4) In line with the government’s austerity program, DepEd reiterates the following policies:
- Graduation rites should be simple but meaningful which encourage civil rights, a sense of community, and personal responsibility. While these rites mark a milestone in the life of the learners, these should be conducted without excessive spending, extravagant attire, or extraordinary venue;
- Moving Up or Closing Ceremonies should be simple involving only the learners, their parents and the school; and,
- Nonacademic projects such as attendance to field trips, film showing, Junior-Senior promenade, and other school events should not be imposed as requirements for graduation or completion.
(5) The use of the enclosed completion certificate and diploma templates are as follows:
- For private elementary and secondary schools, technical and vocational institutions (TVIs), and higher education institutions (HEIs), including state universities and colleges (SUCs) and local universities and colleges (LUCs): The use of the enclosed completion certificate and diploma templates is optional. The signature of the school head is required, while the signature of the schools division superintendent is not required.
- For public elementary and secondary schools: The use of the enclosed completion certificate and diploma templates is required.
(6) Awarding of honors to learners from Grades 1 to 12 shall follow the guidelines in DO 36, s. 2016 entitled Policy Guidelines on Awards and Recognition for the K to 12 Basic Education Program.
(7) Further, the EOSY rites and moving up or completion ceremony shall be conducted in an appropriate solemn ceremony befitting the learners and their parents and shall not be used as a political forum. DepEd reiterates the strict compliance with DO 48, s. 2018 entitled Prohibition of Electioneering and Partisan Political Activity.
(8) For more information, please contact the Bureau of Learning Delivery-Teaching and Learning Division, 4th Floor, Bonifacio Building, Department of Education Central Office, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City at telephone nos. (02) 638-4799 and (02) 687-2948, or email at bld.od@deped.gov.ph.
(9) Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.
Graduation Speech Samples (Valedictory). We have here a list of links to all graduation speech manuscripts published exclusively across iMillennial Publishers network (iMillennial and AcadShare). While I have been instrumental in writing these, you are free to use them as references and guides for your speech based on the 2019 graduation theme.
Graduation Speech Manuscript 001. Wearing this white graduation robe does not give us a sense of academic perfection, rather a sense of completeness with what has been demanded of us since the first day we set foot on this campus and after embracing its promise of real-life education. Yes, completeness…
Graduation Speech Manuscript 002. I stand here today bearing the same emotional luggage of joy and excitement, but with a little sadness and longing. We are excited for what awaits us hereafter, but a little sad and longing for we are about to bid our goodbyes, and soon part ways. In a great assurance however, we will forever cherish the memories of ups and downs, of laughs and cries, and of hugs and taps on our shoulders…
Graduation Speech Manuscript 003. Our ultimate competitors are ourselves. Let’s all be competitive, without comparing ourselves against the achievements and success of others, for we may lose track of our journey and imprison ourselves in the shadows of others, rather let us be competitive upon liberating ourselves from enslaving complacency and fear of learning new things…
Graduation Speech Manuscript 004. Right here and more steps farther, we just had the taste of the realities of life and the change that the world awaits us to make. May the same reasons and cherished experiences fuel more our engines as we climb more heights and reach horizons…
Graduation Speech Manuscript 005. Our greatest strength lies not on our fists, but in our hearts. We couldn’t be here if we have never been strong from the inside. Inner strength comes with our brave admissions of our weaknesses and imperfections. Soon we admit with honesty and humility, we become one with ourselves, in thoughts, in actions, and in words…
Graduation Speech Manuscript 006. Challenges are part of our everyday life. Whether big or small, few or many, it is good that we reflect on the essence of experiencing these challenges. A prominent person once said, and I requote, “A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials…”
Graduation Speech Manuscript 007. Our communication skills seem creeping far behind the facility and convenience of innovative channels. As we go online, sometimes we think we have the right frequency and quantity of communication, but soon we find out that we fail to build mutual understanding…
Graduation Speech Manuscript 008. Call me a graduate in a nonsensical fashion, and I will strip off this ceremonial robe, and simply walk out, for the idea of graduation devoid of sense classically implies a good riddance of the daunting EOP recitation in our English class, a surcease of the hundred-page ink-draining notes in Filipino, and a denouement of a treasure-hunt drama in Math (to find the value of x, just because our teacher could not move on from his own past)…
Graduation Speech Manuscript 009. In your ordinary days at these late afternoon hours, you can be found rowing your boats and circling fishnets in the seas; you can be heard with friendly loud cries by passersby and barrio acquaintances as you drive your carabaos home after a day of plowing the healthy fields or reaping the stalks of golden grains of sweat and blood; you can be spotted walking down a marble mine powdered with white marble dust…
Graduation Welcome Speech Samples. In addition to the valedictory graduation speeches, here are additional links to all graduation welcome speech manuscripts published exclusively across our online network. Whether you are a graduating student or an invited guest of honor, these manuscripts can be helpful in drafting your speech based on the 2019 graduation theme.
Graduation Welcome Speech Manuscript 001. Our countless hours of back-breaking compliance with curricular requirements have finally borne a cathartic fruit, a moment that we’ve all been waiting and praying for – our graduation day. Given this honor to deliver the welcome address, I feel, and I believe, that I speak on behalf of my classmates and friends whom I affirm, as I always do, that this is just the beginning of a more challenging journey…
Graduation Welcome Speech Manuscript 002. As I stand here today, I represent all but the most fervent young souls whose burning passion has never dimmed across years of overwhelming academic demands and expectations. From over here, I can see the sweetest and most beautiful smiles worn on their faces, while their hearts throb with joy and excitement…
Graduation Welcome Speech Manuscript 003. I stand here today, in my long and loose white graduation robe, and so do my fellow candidates on their seats, as symbols of a challenge accepted, and hence, a challenge won over. Not very soon, we will march on this stage and claim our prize, a piece of paper that certifies what took us two years to complete – the successful sharpening of our physical and intellectual gears…
Graduation Welcome Speech Manuscript 004. We are all stars in the making, stars who have been built by tenacious pressure, and thus, our dazzling brilliance never fails to stand out and shine across unimaginable distance for myriad years. Yes, like stars, we will soar up and AIM HIGHER! Our years of learning in our Alma Mater, will be our beams of inspiration and motivation that will help us continue our journey towards boundless possibilities and new horizons…
Graduation Welcome Speech Manuscript 005. Soon we receive our diplomas that certify our successful completion of all our academic workloads, may we also not forget to express our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to all who have extended their support, encouragements, and love for us to make our journey more meaningful and memorable…
Graduation Welcome Speech Manuscript 006. Honored and a bit nervous – that is how I feel welcoming you all to this momentous occasion. As what runs in my head right now, I should have been just in the kitchen preparing my specialty dishes for everyone who has gathered here today. Yes, because as a culinary arts graduate, I believe I have more what it takes to become a successful chef over a perfectly fluent speaker you all expect…