RPMS PORTFOLIO (Free Download)
Download for FREE these available KRA's, Objectives, and MOV's as samples in making your own portfolio or you may adopt these as you prefer. We give full credits to the rightful owner of these.The Department of Education (DepEd) reaffirmed that the alignment of the Results-Based Performance Management System (RPMS) with the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) is the result of the Focus Group Workshops conducted between March and April 2015 across 17 regions in the country.
The participants in the workshop expressed the need for teachers to focus on teaching, and therefore recommended for the immediate alignment of the RPMS and PPST.
To respond to these demands from the field, the Philippine National Research Center for Teacher Quality (RCTQ), in coordination with the Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational Development (BHROD), National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP), Teacher’s Education Council (TEC) and the Basic Education Sector Transformation (BEST) program, conducted a two-phase project on the development and validation of the RPMS Tools.
This led to the development of the RPMS Manual for Teachers and School Heads that is aligned with PPST. This contains the RPMS Tools and its associated tools –Classroom Observation Tools (COT) and Self-Assessment Tools (SAT) – and performance appraisals forms such as Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF), Midyear Review Form, and Performance Monitoring and Coaching Form.
The Manual provides school heads and other raters a detailed reference to help in the understanding of the tools and the different phases of assessment within the various cycles of RPMS, ensuring that mechanisms are in place to support teacher performance.
The Manual also guides the teachers through the basics in preparing, organizing and completing the Portfolio/RPMS documents, and introduces the concept of annotations to guide teachers through critical reflection of their practices for their continuous improvement.
Over 400 teachers, master teachers, principals, supervisors, DepEd regional directors and other educators across all regions in the country were involved in the development and validation of the RPMS Tools and Manual over three years. It can also be noted that the PPST was developed and validated by over 10,000 pre- and in-service teachers, principals, supervisors, regional directors and other educators, and representatives from government agencies and non-government organizations. - Deped