Automatic Upgrading of Eligible Public School Teachers Through the ERF Scheme
This Circular is being issued to prescribe guidelines for the implementation of the automatic position upgrading of eligible public school teachers.
Section 14 of Presidential Decree (PD) No. 985 (re: A Decree Revising the Position Classification and Compensation Systems in the National Government and Integrating the Same) provides for the salary system for teaching positions. Item (a) thereof stipulates that under the Teachers' Preparation Pay Schedule, the teacher's academic or educational preparation, teaching experience in both private and public schools, and extra-curricular activities for professional growth, shall be considered in pursuance of the principle of "equal pay for equal training and experience." PD 985 directs the DepEd, in consultation with this Department to establish "equivalents" to the basic preparation requisites and define the "areas of equivalents" and their corresponding units or points. This was implemented through the Equivalents Records Form (ERF) Scheme.
However, it has been observed that there are teachers who have remained as Teacher I despite having served in the same position for more than twenty (20) years. It is possible that many teachers are unaware of the opportunities offered by the ERF scheme or are daunted by the documentary requirements.
There is therefore a need to prescribe the guidelines to provide for the automatic position upgrading of the eligible public school teachers.
READ: New promotions policy for teachers
All incumbents of Teacher I positions who have rendered twenty (20)'"or more years satisfactory teaching service which were not credited in the computation of step increment due to length of service as provided under Joint CSC-DBM Circular No. 1, s. 1990.
Definition of Terms
As used in this Circular the following shall mean:
4.1Present Salary - the actual basic salary of the incumbent of a Teacher I position as of the date the ERF for the automatic upgrading is filed exclusive of Personnel Economic Relief Allowance (PERA), Additional Compensation (ADCOM), Christmas Bonus and cash gift, honoraria and any other forms of additional compensation usually paid in addition to basic salary but inclusive of transition allowance, if any.
4.2Equivalents Record Form (ERF) - a document indicating the educational preparation, training, teaching experience and extra¬curricular activities for professional growth undertaken by a teacher. It is used to validate the classification level of teachers covered by the Teachers7 Pay Preparation Schedule (TPPS).
4.3Automatic Position Upgrading - The change in position title and the salary adjustment given to incumbents of Teacher I positions who have rendered twenty (20) or more years satisfactory teaching service.
4.4Transition Allowance - the excess of the present salary over the eighth step of the salary grade allocation of the employee's position.
5.1For purposes of upgrading as provided in this Circular, the filing of the
ERF shall be initiated by the schools division (SD) concerned which shall be held responsible for such filing.
5.1.1The SD identifies teachers with twenty (20) or more years of teaching experience and submits the Certification as to the names of qualified teachers and the duly certified service records of eligible teachers to the DBM ROs through the DepEd ROs on or before the cut-off dates provided in Section 7.0 hereof. The SD shall inform the teacher concerned that such submission has been made in his/her behalf. ;
5.1.2In case of approval, the SD shall determine whether or not the approved ERF is within the cut-off date. In case of disapproval, the teacher shall be informed by the SD concerned.
5.1.3If within the cut-off date the SD shall prepare a request for ERF implementation which shall be endorsed by the DepEd RO to the DBM RO concerned.
5.1.4The DBM RO shall determine whether or not there are available funds for the implementation thereof. If there are available funds therefor, the DBM RO shall effect the modification in its database and issue a Notice of Organization, Staffing and Classification Action (NOSCA) and Special Allotment Release Order (SARO). If none, the same shall be returned to the DepEd RO with the information that the same may be considered in the next budget cycle.
5.1.5Upon receipt of the NOSCA, the DepEd RO shall cause the preparation of a Notice of Salary Adjustment (NOSA) and the necessary adjustment to the salary of the teachers concerned shall be made.
5.1.6The SD shall forward the NOSA to the teacher concerned.
5.2Attached herewith as Annex A is the flow chart in the processing of ERFs in accordance with this Circular.
5.3The filing of the ERF of teachers who have rendered less than twenty (20). years of service but have earned 20 masteral units can be initiated by the teacher concerned.
5.4Teachers retiring during the year are not covered by the cut-off dates. After the evaluation of the ERF by the SD and post-audit by the DepEd RO, the request shall be endorsed by the DepEd RO to the DBM RO. Then the process shall be the same as Items 5.1.4 to 5.1.6 above.
Salary Rules
6.1The salary of the incumbent of a Teacher I portion who qualifies for an automatic position upgrading to Teacher II shall be adjusted as follows:
6.1.1If his/her present basic salary is below the first (1st) step of SG-11, he/she shall be given the 1st step.
Example: If the present salary is P9,939, it shall be adjusted to P10,535, the hiring rate for Teacher II, SG-11.
6.1.2 If the present salary falls between the steps of SG-11, he/she shall be allowed the next higher step.
Example: If the present salary is PI 1,815, it shall be adjusted to P12,218, Step 7 of SG-11.
6.2The transition allowance as defined in 4.4 being received by the Teacher I shall be considered as advance entitlement of the salary increase herein authorized. (Illustrative Examples A and B)
6.3The computation of the length of service shall include only the years of teaching experience which were not credited in the computation of step increment due to length of service as provided under Joint CSC- DBM Circular No. 1, s. 1990. (Illustrative Examples C, D and E)
7.0Cut-off Dates
7.1At present, there is a two-year backlog on ERF implementation such that ERFs being implemented/paid in CY 2003 are those approved as of December 31, 2001 or earlier.
7.2The upgrading authorized herein shall therefore be similarly covered by the cut-off date used in the ERF implementation. The cut-off date shall not, however, apply to those who will be retiring during the year since their salary adjustments must be paid before their retirement.
7.3All requests for automatic upgrading must be submitted to the DBM ROs concerned on or before April 30 of the year. Only those approved on or before April 30 shall be incorporated in the succeeding year's budget preparation.
7.4The effectivity date of the salary adjustment of requests approved by the DBM Regional Offices on or before April 30 shall be on July 1 of the same year. Those approved after the cut-off date shall be on July 1 of the following year.
8.0Funding Source
The amounts necessary to implement the salary adjustments authorized
herein shall be charged against the lump sum appropriation for salary
adjustment based on ERF. Any deficiency thereof shall be charged against
personal services savings.
9.0 Post-Audit
Any salary adjustment paid under this Circular shall be subject to post-audit by this Department through the DBM - ROs concerned. Any payment which is not in accordance herewith shall be adjusted accordingly.
10.0Payment of Salary Adjustments
The SD concerned shall notify the teacher in writing of the salary adjustment through a Notice of Salary Adjustment (NOSA) in the prescribed form herein attached as Annex B.
11.0Responsibility of Head of Agency
The DepEd Regional Director/Schools Division Superintendent shall see to it that no delays shall be incurred in the implementation of the automatic upgrading of eligible public school teachers, as authorized in this Circular. The DepEd Regional Director/Schools Division Superintendent shall be responsible for the prompt submission of required certifications, relevant documents and reports as well as the evaluation of the same. They shall be held personally liable for any payment of salary adjustment which is not in accordance with this Circular.
The salary adjustments authorized herein are subject to the mandatory requirements for life and retirement premiums, and health insurance premiums.
13.0Repealing Clause
All existing circulars and other issuances which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Circular are hereby repealed and superseded accordingly.
14.0Saving Clause
Cases not covered by this Circular shall be referred to the Secretary of Budget and Management for resolution.
This Circular Letter shall take effect January 1, 2004.