June 10, 2016
DO 37, s. 2016
Clarifications and Additional Information to DepEd Order No. 5, S. 2016 (Declaring January 30, 2016 as Commencement of Early Registration for School Year 2016-2017)
To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau and Service Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Public and Private Elementary and Secondary School Heads
All Others Concerned
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau and Service Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Public and Private Elementary and Secondary School Heads
All Others Concerned
1. In relation to DepEd Order No. 5, s. 2016 entitled Declaring January 30, 2016 as Commencement of Early Registration for School Year 2016-2017, the Department of Education (DepEd) issues the following clarifications for learners entering Kindergarten:
a. Age qualification for Kindergarten learners should be five years old by June 1 of every school year. The Kindergarten curriculum is intended to help children who are at least five years old to acquire the values, attitudes and competencies which are known to enable successful and beneficial participation in school learning experiences.
b. Private schools are given latitude in implementing basic education as stated in the Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 10533, Section 6, “The DepEd may allow private educational institutions flexibility in adopting the program provided that they comply with the DepEd-prescribed minimum standards consistent with the Act.”.
c. If a learner entering Kindergarten is below five years of age, the DepEd recommends that reliable forms of assessment such as the Philippine Early Childhood Development (ECD) checklist be performed by the school and that previous early childhood experiences (ECE) be considered to ensure that the learner is capable of meeting the expectations of the grade level. School heads must then submit a letter stating the learner’s assessment results and if there are any additional documentation of ECE experiences to the Schools Division Superintendent (SDS), and secure written permission from the SDS for these learners to enter Kindergarten.
2. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.
Reference: DepEd Order: (No. 5, s. 2016)