With the increasing use of the internet and new communication technology, comes the need to provide a safe online environment for children. One aspect of this is to build up children’s capacities to stay safe online. The CyberSafe program is Stairway’s contribution to the online safety field.
The CyberSafe website aims to provide guidance to children, youth, parents, teachers, caregivers and anyone interested on online safety. At the end of the day, we want children to have fun in a safe, online environment.
Thank you for taking interest and time to study these CyberSafe Lesson Plans. They are made in a Philippine context, and by taking part in this initiative you are helping to make the Internet a safer place for Filipino children.
The lessons aim to create an impact on children by helping them to realize that they can use and enjoy the Internet safely. As a teacher you will be creating an open space to discuss the different issues that children face on the Internet. There will be sensitive topics, so it is important to ensure that your students know and feel that they are in a safe environment for discussion.
We wish you all the best in your CyberSafe Lessons!
CyberSafe Manual 1, Grades 5-6 (SMALLER file size for screen view)
CyberSafe Manual 1, Grades 5-6 (LARGER file size for print)
CyberSafe Manual 1, Grades 5-6 (LARGER file size for print)
CyberSafe Manual 2, Junior High (SMALLER file size for screen view)
CyberSafe Manual 2, Junior High (LARGER file size for print)
CyberSafe Manual 2, Junior High (LARGER file size for print)